Hey Everyone. I'll start with the biggest news. One of the volunteers was mugged at knifepoint on Wednesday night.
Every Wednesday we all go to the Castle hotel to meet up for a drink. 5 girls and me went to Bella Vista afterwards. Now after 4 drinks I was feeling bad and had to lay down on the way home (something you do NOT do in Kenya at 1am in the morning) and I had Thursday off the project in bed. It was the Larium again (malaria medication) and someone else taking it is a bit funny too so no more drinking whilst here...
Anyway in Mombasa there are only 4 i-to-i volunteers that are male and 24 females. I went home leaving the girls out but assumed they would be OK as there were 5 of them. Well they split up and Eleni, an Australian girl, got mugged with a knife to her throat on the way home. She was with 2 other girls.
TBH, it was her own fault. She went to the ATM before we went out to get some money to donate to her project. 20,000 shillings. Thats about 150 quid - a lot of money back home...crazy money in Kenya! She kept it all in one place, and flashed it too much when buying drinks. So she got mugged. She's OK though and no-one got hurt.
On Friday, my matatu got halfway to Bamburi and decided it was turning round and going back to Ferry. So I thought I'd walk the rest of the way, it was only ten minutes. Bamburi is not like Mombasa town. It's a shanty town and as you can guess there's white people. It's bad enough in town for getting attention because you're white. So this walk actually turned out to be half an hour. And this one guy started shouting 'mzungo' (white person) and crossed the road and got in my face. He was then shouting 'White Pig' over and over and I just kept walking. He followed and I said 'nenda zako' (Go away) and in the end told him to 'Nenda Kutomba' (which I think means go f*** yourself). Some local guy grabbed him then and let me walk. It's the only real bit of trouble I've got into so far.
Anyway things are going well. On my way home on Wednesday I met a weird guy called Lefty who insisted on giving me his number and seeing as I felt ill it was easier to just give him it. I didn't answer his call the next day. On Friday he chased me down the street when he saw me, shouting 'Nick, Nick!!!' and wanted me to go for a drink with him. I told him we were going to Tembo that night.
Anyway we didn't go to Tembo, we go to this local club called Club Rio which is the best club I've ever been in...and the guy was there. Pissed up. Me, and 8 girls...and guess who he showed the most interest in? That's right. Me. Lucky lucky me. So everyone was laughing at Lefty because he was drunk, weird, and hugged me too much. Then he started perving on the girls (which frankly came as a relief) and I asked him to leave but he said he respected us all and him and I were friends. So I walked down stairs, got a bouncer who threw him out. I then had to endure questions such as 'How could you do that to your boyfriend' from Rach and Beccy all night =].
Was going to go to Kilifi last night and stay there over night but Chuck and Kirsty were getting on at me to hurry up so I told them to just go and I'd catch them up (it was 3pm and we werent set to leave until 3:30) and as soon as they'd gone I just unpacked and went to sleep. I couldn't be bothered...but night out was good. Going out again tonight to watch Israel v Russia. Come on Israel!!!
I'm taking about 6 or 7 of the older lads from the Home into Mombasa to watch a Premiership game soon because they love Football. We are cooking the kids an English lunch on Monday. Sausages, Chips and Baked Beans. Can't wait.
Hope your all doing well.
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