So last night after the ping pong show we realised when we left it was almost 8 times the price to get back to the hotel as what it was to go, they clearly don't tell you this and there's nothing you can do about it, buses and rails had stopped and it was far too far to walk. So we met another couple (Sheena and Toby - hope your enjoying Myanmar if your reading this!!!) and managed to get home together with a bit of haggling! They had not eaten insects yet so we said they had too and then we ended up eating yet another 2 frogs and more locusts!! Bork!!!
Anywho next thing we knew it was 5am and we were still up drinking, when our alarms were set for 6am! So we decided to stay up all night - I think an hour sleep would not have happened I'd have slept through anything!
So straight on the coach to ayutthya - the ancient ruins of the 6 temples in Thailand! In last nights clothes, feeling pretty dead!! Pictures will follow it was a really good day, annie just thought they were piles of bricks and lumps of concrete and to be fair they were, but it's all the religious history behind it and all that I guess! And it's weird that it floods at certain times of the year here and it's all under water!! Weird but really cool :)
At the end of seeing all of the Buddhas we passed an elephant show were you could ride around a tourist park on one or you can get your photo taken with one, I thought this was awfull as the elephant having its photo taken was petrified of it's owner, it daren't move but you could tell it wanted to get away. :( Still he stood there infront of it with some spike thing in his hand clearly to beat it with!! So I decided we weren't gonna contribute to this by giveing him our money!!! Instead we're now going trekking with elephants in Chang mai this weekend, it's far less touristy there and it's in the forest so hopefully there the animals are treat fairly!! :)
... Oh nearly forgot to say I tried my first Thai coconut today they were disgusting!!! It was water rather than milk and just tasted odd :/ Egypt coconuts are really nice so I had high expectations too :( so Thailand should stick to what they do best; satay chicken ;) x x x
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