Michael Robert Shirley's Travels
Our first proper day in bangkok! :D had the beautiful lady from the photo fry me some pad Thai :) think I got salmonella, the chicken was rank so il be sticking to vegetarian meals from now on! Then went to a spa and got a Thai massage, my masseuse was proper strong she actually nearly broke my spine and beat the s*** out of me, but for £2... I don't mind! Then we had a go on them foot spa things, as soon as you put your feet in there like piranha's to a piece of meat! I actually think they sucked all my tan off my feet too :(
- comments
Amy Amazing , but remember my first piece of advice ..... Go veggie !! How many chickens have u actually seen compared to dogs ::)
michaelrobertshirley Yeah I know, right! Don't scare me! Been veggie for two days and it's actually nicer!! Wow you sent this message a long time ago! Ha! X x x
Ali Hi Michael how is your hair doing has it taken on a life of its own yet. Lol :-) xx