Woke up this morning at 6am to the noise of the train on the track, I looked outside and we were in the middle of the jungle. I think we were heading up through one of the national parks.
The views heading up there are just unbelivable. I thought this is way too early to be waking up, it suppose having one side of my arse being numb didn't help. Not the comfist of beds to say the least! I had another 3 and a half hours left on the journey so I had a read and fell back asleep.
I finally arrived in Chiang Mai about around 10am. It was good to get off it after being on since 7pm the previous night. I got a taxi to the centre to a guesthouse which Al recommended. It's well chilled out up here in comparison to Bangkok, 300B (5quid) per night for a double room with TV, power, which is a luxury to have a socket and my own toilet. Sweet!
I checked and went for some breakfast, bacon, coffee, orange juice, baguette and scrambled egg, which I dont really eat, all for 70B. I can get used to this! My first impressions of the city are far better than Bangkok, cleaner and more relaxed.
Chilled out for most of the day as the train journey up took it out of me a bit. Checked my mail whilst having one of the best smoothies ever apart from getting brain freeze for drinking too fast. Went for a walk round Chiang Mai for around 2-3 hours, nearly got lost then went back to the guesthouse and fell asleep outside on this comfy as lounger.
It's great doing f*** all all day. Went to have a feed and a drink, christ, the amount of Westerners that are just sat having a beer in the bars with a Thai girl round their arm doing nothing. I sometimes have a lttle chuckle to myself.
Went back to the guesthouse at about 10.30 and probably watched the s***test film ever with Vin Diesel. I missed the start, it wasn't even good! I didn't know what it was about, think he was a bad ass cop with a mission to save something, but I still ended up watching it! WHY!?
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