Lucys been let loose
Hi everyone,
Well i am sad to say that on thursday i will be writting in my blog for the last time for a month. I head off to the Amazon on Friday morn i am leave florianopolis early the flying to Sao Paulo then on to Manus which is where the amzon is! Well part of it!
I am in the Jungle for 6days and 5 nights 3 of those night i am spending actually sleeping in the jungle (everyone here thinks im gonna be a real wimp i think, and to be faire i prob will be but i determined not to let in show, so when alll those lovely jungle noises are sounding and its pitch black and im stuck in an out door gonna be silent as a mouse!) To prove to myself as much as anything! From there i fly to Rio (whoooooo) Im there for 5 days before getting on the bus down to Sao Paulo to catch my flight to Argentina! Where i am going to the Eva Peron museums and balcony im also going on a day trip to the iguaçu falls and spending a day Horse treking and paragliding, before i move on to Chile to climb the Andes (not all of it) and go white water rafting! I leave Chile on the 14th Dec and land in New Zealand on the 16th! STRANGE BUT TRUE! 13hrs and no one to talk to i'm on the flight with non of the others, im sure i can find someone to bore...its never stopped me before! So i will update with Photos etc then!
This week, Sunday i got sunburn which made me feel a little ill on monday so i stayed at home and chilled as we had two days off work (another holiday here i swear they spend more time at home than work!) In the evening Carol and i had a girlie evening with ice cream and DVDs we cried and laughed it was great fun! Gonna miss those girlie nights but we have planned one for this monday too as its our last!!!! Tuesday i went to the beach with Carol her bf, his sister and their uncle heheheh we had a really lovely day! Which reminds me i need to pay Carol R$10!
We didnt get home till late so had supper and went to bed! Wednesday i was back at work, i had an ok day and chilled in the afternoon! Thursay we went to the Thearte in the morning...was v annoyed was told to meet with the class at 8:30 so me and Attiq were there for 8:15 and no one showed up till half nine! But the show was ok it was about a tree and a man died at the end...dnt know why its all portuguese to me!Then in the afternoon i went shopping as had forms to fill in with Gabi! Friday watched the portuguese version of wallace and gromit with the kids but had to come home in the afternoon as the kids are planning a suprise for Attiq and me and they need to rehearse! Will film it watever it is!
Today is saturday and im going to a BBQ this afternoon at Gabis with all the guys were gonna be filmed talking about the project etc so best look my best! Then prob gonna go out clubbing!
Not a late one though as am going on a boat trip tomorrow to the outer island to see the portuguese forts and see the dolphines and swim!
Right im off type to you all Thursday, i'll be saying goodbye to family and work and you guys for a month! Its gona be very sad day, thats all im saying!
Love to you all Lucy xxxxxxxxxxx
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