Lucys been let loose
Hi all,
Right well just a few updates...
Nose still ok feels bit like a bogey stuck in your nose all the time though!
Hair now setting a hole fashion of its own, with fringe so long i cant see and no hair dryer time is taking its toll on the bush as i like to call it, however with a few grips spray in conditoner and a good brush i'm managing to keep it looking average!
Still on rice and beans and im getting to like it again...i've found if i stop thinking about food from england i can cope with it. Just a quick thank you to Auntie sue though for reminding me of all the food i am missing (love you lots)
Right heres the low down on the week (my god im cool)
Back to my usual self, bossy and sarcastic! Never lets me down!
Monday i painted all day was brill did same tuesday too will send some before and after pics of the room becasue it looks so good if i do say so myslef i'm quite the artist! Tuesday went to portuguese class was quite ood but feel im wasting money a bit as we are learning stuff that i dnt really see the point in and its two sets of homework every week which is soooo annoying! I have found going to the bar every night after work much more helpful as am learning all the stuff i need to survive! Hee hee
Wednesday was childs day here so we had the day off (EXCELLENT)
So we planned a day at the beach...i was so excited as its not been all that sunny but wednesday was sooooo hot! HOWEVER (yeah thats right nothing ever goes hoe i plan does it!)
Jaraldo, Attiq and Pindas Brazil brother wanted to take us to a sucluded beach where all the locals go it is a 45 minute walk form the main beach so i was quite happy with this its just up a small hill he said!!!!! So off we set! So, you can imagine my shock and horror when im dangeling 100s of meatures up in the air scalling my way up a mountain side!!!! In my nice FLIP FLOPS AND NICE WHITE LINNEN TOP!!! I was so not impressed we walked through what i would call a jungle! i saw a taranshular and everything. I had to walk bear foot incase of ruining my nice flip flops and rolled my jeans up. We climbed for three hours with me winging the hole way heehee We finally got to the beach with thorns in my feet and sweat dripping from me, me and Attiq ran into the sea it was great though i was a little worried about the 3hrs hike back i tried to block it out and enjoyed a lovely day!!! WRONG!!! We got swept out to sea by the under current and couldnt swim to shore so had to throw ourselves at the rocks so now im pulling myself up the rocks only to scrape my leg on and rocks covered in muscle shells so now im clibing over the rocks with blood pouring down my leg and laughing so much becasue i'm dead certain that this is a bad dream!!!! Then Attiq who had gone for help for me slipped on the rocks fell over and ended up with more blood over him than i had to hobble to get help instead. He was fine and me too but what a lovely picture! Im laughing so hard writing this now but at the time i was just mad! We could only stay at the beach for two hours because we had to walk back before the sun went down! Nicola got attacted by a fish and we all were covered in sand! I didnt talk at all on the way back! My knees hurt so much (BUT I DID IT) I will never do it again though!
Thursday i couldnt go to work becasue my knees were like huge footballs so i stayed at home with Brazil mum nursing me again im sure she thinks im crazy! She put some stuff on my leg which hurt alot and then later when i was on the phone she came and just put a big chunk of cold meat on my leg i was highly un impressed!!!! I staed home all day.
I think i'll be ok in the amazon though because i'll be wearing the right clothes!!!!
Friday we had a waste of time meeting i actually really dont like the coordinator where i am he gets nothing done but am very determined now that things are gonna change if he likes it or not (thats right watch out Lucy is back and on the case hee hee)
Am going to the pics this afternoon with the guys. Jess has come here from Natal ....thats the girls im doing the full trip with! I like her loads am we get on really well so glad she is here think this is half the reason ive cheered up!
Right Rice and beens has just been served so off i go!!!!
Whoooooo we have salad too
Im gonna look like a stick at the end of this!
Right love you all and hope to hear from you soon
Lucy, lulu, locket and mate xxxxxxxxx
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