Lucys been let loose
Hi Guys,
Thanx agen for all of the emails i've been receiving i'm sure this email will make you all laugh!
So, my first day at school went ok well i went to the clinic that my Brazilian dad owns and runs in the early morning because it is near where all the lads live and i was meant to be getting the bus to work with them! However, when i got to the bus stop they were no where to be seen so i called one of them and he said he had no idea he was meant to be meeting me and hadn't yet seen the others to tlk to so i walked all the way to there house and it turned out that Glauco my Brazilian brother hadn't fully understood waht they had said on the phone...but i went to school with there homestay family and everything was fine! Our rep whilst were here is called Gabi she is really cool; she's 19 and an actress here in Brazil she studied dance is miami so her english is excellent. We went round all three placea that we could be working and met all of the children. They wanted two of us to work in each place a boy and a girl, Me and Attiq are together with the kids who are 8~12 this is great cuz i get on with him best out of the others.
So the next day i got up nice and early all excited about going to work, i caught the bus into town and met Nicola there and we got the bus to work, well we thought we'd got the bus to work but we'd not we ended up some where about 20 mins from our project (school) and had to ask the police where to go, but the police speaking in portuguese was a bit hard so we got a lift with them thats right folks my first proper day at work and i turn up in a Poice car! What can i say, Im just in a class of my own!
Day two things couldn't be as bad getting there as the day before could they!?! YES! We were told which bus to get on and it was totally the wrng one a direct bus to the other side of the island...Funny...i don't think so! So we ended up haveing to go all the way 1/2 hour to some small village get off the bus and back on again back to the bus atation we had come from! We finally arrived at work an hour late and the people in charge just laughed and asked if we'd got the police car there agen! Well i think thats what they said!!! ( Dnt worry i was with Nicola and did explain i used to be blonde...again i think thats what i told them!)
All in all the kids are just the most brilliant kids ever i'm in love with them all, though they beat each other up and shout and spit they really are lovely and love time having cuddles and kisses and holding hands, oh and the girls love to play with my hair! I hope to send you all some pictures soon! The schools really are doin there best but there is so much that we can do to help so were going to set some things p out here for them to carry on when we leave to hopefully help! The kids are so talented they just need help and it's hard because we only have 3months were very limited but just being here and playing games and showing our love is enough for the time being.
Apart from that the family are great and the sun is shinning, hopefully it will carry on.
The Two dishes of rice and beans a day is really starting to stress me out so heres to another 3months of that! I am loosing weigh though so there are plus sides to this torture!
This really is so far the most amazing life changing time ever!
I hope that you are all well and enjoying yourself if at work college uni or whatever your doing!
Love you all thinking about you always
Lucy Locket xxxx
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