Lucys been let loose
Hi Guys,
If your getting bored of emails just email back and i'll take you off of list.
Right where did i get to last time?
Well after mad weekend had a day of rest on sunday though after this weekend i'm sure the brazilian family im staying with are starting to think its a regular thing for me!
Monday i had a good day at school played alot of sport, in the sand pit in the middle of the Favellars ( shanti towns) it was a very hot day! I went quite a nice colour, Felt a bit down though as have been at school now for a week and improvments need to be made but nothing has been set up, meeting wise so have all agreed to ask for one to be set up. Went home through central got off and had my nose pierced (sorry dad) spur of the moment thing! No one panic it was very nice place very clean and i checked the sterial needle! NEEDLE!!!!! It looks cute and only cost 7pounds! All in all i had a ok day and ok night life is starting to take a routine.
Then Tuesday on bus and headed for central to meet Nicola as i do everyday. Bus stopped and bus driver got everyone off i thought it had broken hadn't! Everyone started walking to central did wonder why didnt catch another bus but went with the flow and it only took 15 mins. There were hundreds of people in the street so i thought maybe there was an accident found Nicola and her bus had done the same...we rushed to the other bus as not to the bus as not to be late. Then we found out that the bus drivers had gone on strike! Gabi called and said not to bother trying to get to work as taxis were double price and mainly working for companies! So me and Nic sun bathed and met Gabi in down town we walked, we had a brill day and went out for lunch which was brill NO RICE OR BEANS! Next problem was i couldnt get home so i slept night at Nicolas. Next day woke up and was sick so i now have the bug that everyone else has had (Always last to catch on hee hee) So we got the bus to central and i went home to rest... Rest not a word they know to well here as all i got all day was beeing woken to check tempreture of be given flavoured tea! I was like an exhibition, at lunch everyone was home and they all came in and looked at me and kissed me and hugged me, now they wonder why they have it!!! But the good news was that the mother made me a special soup to help me RICE SOUP! Honest to god i think im drowning my body in rice!
I was off work thursday too but met the guys at 9 at mall to arrange meeting and talk through ideas with Gabi for fridays meeting with the teachers...i had to me at work for 8 on friday for this meeting so its early mornings all round! The meeting went very well and i am now very excited about the ideas we came up with and they will hopefully be put to play next monday which will be good! At the meeting they told us alot about the children that i found very upsetting!The children are so lovely that sometimes you dnt think about what there going home to, im feeling very privaldged to be working with them.
We worked in the afternoon, and had food with kids not rice opr means in sight i was very excited but it was soup with a chickens foot in it! (I didnt have any incase you wondered!) !!!!!!RANK!!!!!
Friday aftyer work we went for hot chocolate and cake at our local (its not really near anything but makes us feel at home calling it our local!)
Friday night Sarah, Nicola and I rented a dvd got some beer and pizza and had a girlie night at mine which was really good and NIcola stopped over, then saturday we all met up and talked about weekends that we want to go places and what things we want to do! We have decided to have theamed nights out so next weekend were thinking Hiking boots shorts vest and day sack just stand out more as travellers then we do! But should be some funny photoes. That evening i went to family birthday celebration which was fun then met they guys in town at the club they were all out of it and we started doing Tequilla slammers! bad idea but good pictures! Had to puit them all in taxi with me and take them home got bit mardi with them as they kept singing was funny at first but then was trying to rmember portuguese for turn here and that kinda thing! Anyway im the younest they should look after me, but thats not always the way it goes i should know from holidays with older sister really though hey!
Not sure if Nicolas family are very happy with her as the guys had been drinking the till half ten before going out and knoecked on all neighboroughs doors and woke them up they had threatened to get the police (thank god i wasn't there) so i had to get up and call her the brazil family and tell them why she hadn't come home last night (what a killer i called at 10 and only got in bout half 5!) So agen i have slept all of today! My dad of rest!
Family called and was nice to spk to everyone kids inc was bit sad went all shouted by but im ok still not sufering with homesick but have had down days.
Been here 3 weeks now seams like longer but am still enjoying myself, rained sat so couldnt go to beach but def going there next week. (gonna catch me a dolphin!)
Photo's sent this week
Realised how long this is agen but hope you get as much enjoyment out of reading bout me as i doing typing it.
Love you all keep in touch
Lucy, Locket, Lulu and Mate
Ps: Keep smiling
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