Lucys been let loose
Hi Guys,
Nose fine, hair good and rice and beans keeps coming!
Right just to explain the subject name... basically while im here im keeping a diary of all my thought towards people here at home situations and that kinda thing...was reading through it the other night and i sound like some kinda weirdo with a split personaliy problem. One day its like oh i am so certain of what im gonna do when i get back and this is gonna happen and that then its no im not happy this is not gonna happen i dnt wanna do that and then its everything is great not really bothered, etc. etc.
I wasnt really sure about what my reason for coming here was apart from to travel, make new friends and have different experiances. However, whilst i have been here i have so much out about myself that i would never have thought about at home its not that your thinking about things all the time its just that thoughts flood into your head or something you do or someone else does really effects you and makes you realise things about yourself.
You meet everyone in life for a reason - i cnt stress that enough people who you may not have even notcied effect you i8ts very odd and i cnt really explain it. Im starting to sound like Budda...luckily i dnt look like him though!
Few exciting little stories this week.
1) Have been attacked by blind people twice!
I seem to have some kind of divise that attracts blind people, twice now whilst either txting someone or talking to someone i have been bashed into by people with stick...its horried you feel awful like its your fault and all ii can do is say im sorry and look embarressed(not that they can see this of corse) but everyone else at the terminal looks at you like your evil! To be honest i feel sorry for me it doesnthurt them where i first they take my ankles out with the white stick and then carry on walking into you before you have time to move...someone needs to teach them how to use those sticks properly. (If ya hit soemthing then dnt carry on walking!)
2)Another amazing moment with Diago
Yesterday we went on a walk into the centre with the kids to Alfa Gente admin office - dead boring! Any who on the way there i had two kids holding my hands who normally come and have a cuddle with me so no suprise but on the way back Diago (the little boy who i told you about a couple of weeks ago that jus watches and then suprises me with hugs or kisses) Comes up and holds my hand and strats a singing game with me which was so cute i ove him and wanna bring him home! The only thing that spoilt this moving moment was the fact that he did smack another kid in the face to get to me...cute hey.
3)The bus sargas continue - i so thought i was over that!
Right i cnt even begin to describe how annoyed i am at this story. Nicola, Phinder, Sarah, Jess and Phil have all gone to the falls this wknd and needed to go and book their tickets so i went for a coffee and was gonna meet them back at bus station to catch bus to portuguese, i went back and stood waiting and waiting and waiting. In the end i decided they had prob gone and hadnt understood what i'd said so i decided to catch the bus as i new which one it was i travel on it alot to Nicolas house...i payed my money sat dwon and all was well, such a nice relaxing drive. RELAXING! I was woken by a lady telling me the bus had stopped and to get of can you imagine my suprise when i looked round to see i was back where i'd started from! Thats right i did the full loop on the stupid bus!
4)Night out with Attiq
With evryone being away for the wknd apart form me and Attiq who are going to the falls from Argentina side we decided to go out last night, bad idea all was fine untill attiqs B dad gave us this stupid drink it kinda went down hill from there...we did get into the club as VIPz thou and this multi milliionaire bloke who had been living in Japan brought all our drinks so whole evening inc taxi hine not bad for 8pound hey! But wen got home couldnt undo the lock on the 1st gate so had to climb it (note to self should have checked it was locked!) Spent this morn feeling ill and throwing up! It was yellow so im blaming the shot his dad gave us!
5)The planetarium
Went on a morning trip to the planetarium with some of the kids, it was quite good, not really the space centre but hey what d'ya expect! Kids really good loved lazers at the end...some of the kids scared of the dark which i thought said alot too. Carlos held mine and Attiqs hands through out whole thing! Attiq and Phinder both fell sleep!
Right i think thats about it for this week went shopping and send some mail home.
For those of you who did english lit Nicola was sent the book Enduring love to read...i told her to look foreward to chapter 16 the restaurant as thats what smiddy had told me...i didnt!
Love you all lots and keep an eye on my sight as all photos etc on there!
Kisses Lucy, Locket, lulu and Mate xxxxxxxxx
Ps I just wana say im still loving here and though sometimes are hard the good ones are great.
The only hard thing about staying at one project for 3months is how much im gonna cry when i leave (lol) and staying with one family too...i love them all so much and feel i have made some wkd people who are special to me in their own ways! I hope that Carol (my lil sister though about 9ft taller than me!) will come and stay with me in england! She is so lovely its her birthday this wk! Along with my eldest sister too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULES!!!
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