Lucys been let loose
Me again! Well im back and survived the amazon!
Before i get carried away with my stories let me just give you a full run down on the week before i left floripa.
Sunday: Sarah and myself went on a boat trip was wkd burnt shoulders but went round all the portuguses fourts! Beautiful day well enjoyed!
Monday: Kids did a song for us all at school and made us cards etc...cried whole way through, watched dvd with Carol in the eve!
Tuesday: Very productive day spent on the internet emailing hostels, finally got Oz visa through!Also went shopping for family presents!
Wednesday: OC night...spent with family getting stuff ready
Thursday: went to see Santa with the kids cried as was last day with them went home packed bag and cried some more! Had meal with family
Friday: Left dead early in the morn cried on way to airport, brazil mum and dad cried too! Met Nic and Jess and airport and left on way to Sao Paulo where we met up with Pete then flew to Manus. Got taxi to hostel/if thats what you wanna call it and met up with Phinder. Went for a walk around and finally Alex turned up!
Left Manus and went on a short boat ride to next port we went through the change in waters where the Solomans river meets the Negra river..... basically black and yellow water meeting but never mix. You could feel change in the tempreture of the water too...kool then we got a mini van down to another boat and then we had an amzing two and half hour boat trip to Juma lodge...on the way we saw loads of birds (thiink im cured of my phobia) we also saw pink dolphines...and yes they are actually pink! We we arrived at the lodge we were stunned by its pure beauty it was up loads of steps and we were met by two named Minina and Mão. Two Parrots called Fred and Frank and Mr Toocan guess what he was. The monkies were really tame and sat and had luc]nch with us...both had kinda beatle hair cuts...very kool though. That night we settle into the lodge and the nice cold showers and bugs in the wasnt really bad it was amazing sitting on the hamock looking in the amazon. We went Parana fishing that night in the pouring rain which was cool. I cuaght a fish then stopped it was pleny for me. Food was great no rice or beans for me. Lovely pasta and salad..just how i like it. We also went crocodile spotting at 9 at night in little boats. We also went on a boat up the amazon for a day and splet in hamocks over night on the boat and also slept in the jungle...the actual jungle...i got 42 bites on my back...literally not even joking, they dnt hurt though luckily! I say my back its more like my bum...its brought a whole new meaning to kiss my arse!
All in all it is a time in my life i wnt be able to descibe in words or even capture in photos, but jus trust me when i say it has been the most magical and amzaing part of my travels so far. Swimming in the amzon everyday to wash and seeing dolphines going pass.
Its so strange to now be sitting in Rio and jungle all of its own!
Will add more when i have time but feeling bit drained a the moment
Love you all
Ps i ate on of those whidget bugs like on im a celeb...suppose to taste like coconut (didnt)
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