Lucys been let loose
Lema, Uniform, Charlie , Yankee come in
Bad news from home this week a friend of the family died and also my great aunt Lily two people who i loved dearly and will be in my thoughts always...was extreamly difficullt being here for that but in others am away from it which has helped me... so to both rest in piece! I know your both in a better place.
Nose fine again bit of a bummer because i cnt get it in the sea water but i can bathe it with salt water personally i dnt think this makes sence but hey ho!
The hair is growning more so thats all good just trying out some new styles! FANTASTIC!
Weekly update on the rice and beans: Im now dreaming of them!
The food that gets delivered to were i work, i found out, is all donated so personally i think their having laugh! However, this week they forgot the rice and beans when delivering (god knows how but i was happy) I was so excited about what i could possibly be getting this week, but in the end i was wishing for the rice and beans to come back! We had chicken soup two days and sausage baps two days and then some kinda of yellow mush and chicken you see where im going with this? I had a bread role twice and some yellow much once YUM YUM! bring back the rice and beans i say!
Well this week hasn't been and interesting as the others i'm afraid...i caught all the right buses and didn't climb anything.
Jess is here now which is awsome i love her she is so kool and all the girls get on really well, and the boys are all so different but thats kool too! Last sat after the pics ...which was really good its called the gardener something, well worst seeing! We went to a house party and made pizza and played drinking games we did a half engkish half porttuguese speaking thing...alot more english than anything. Got a brill video of Sarah, Nicola and Phil dancing to just like a prayer which im hoping to add to my's so funny there all divas in their own mines!
Had Portuguese lesson on thursday after missing tuesdays i managed to keep up well and teacher even praised me at the end which was fantastic though didnt get a gold star or anything like that so was a little down hearted! Have to right four paragraphs on sarahs weekly routine, i'm gonna try and spice it up a bit i think cuz get up go work get drunk mainly sums it up which isnt really four paragraphs!
This week at school i was attacked by one kid hee hee he didnt like the fact that i told him off for punching another boy in the face and kinda punched me to say bring it on...dnt worry i won i pinned him against the wall and one of the other kids beat him heee heee not really but they did tell him to calm down and went and got a teahcer, the children have no boundries at home so they dnt understand why they should have them here...which i can fully understand!
Jess went to work with me on wednesday and we went with the children to central in the morning to look around the market and in the afternoon we went and played sports (jess decided to get the kids doing the Okeh Kohkey BAD MOVE!) Scorching heat and she decided to teach them that so we ended up singing and running around for about 15 mins nearly passed out! They enjoyed it though!
The next day they let Jess work at the other site and thats were she'll be now was a bit annoyed at that as it was the one project that eeverything was going well with, but never mind! On herr first day the first child to sit on her lap wet themselves (poor jes) made me realise how much i love the older kids!
Went for a half hr walk and have been trying to be more healthy but with no food at school this week it hasnt been easy one day i had two cakes (hey fatty bum bum!) But doing about 100 sit ups and crunches every night! Good girl Lucy. Thank you!
Saturday i went to the beach, this time one where you step off the coach onto the sand, now thats my kinda beach and did proceed to tell everyone this a number of times...Attiq and Phinder went surfing and we burried Nicola...good photos will attach them asap too! Then in the evening after i had been to the self serve ice cream parlor with jess and had lots of ice cream and chocolate hot sauce i went to Andrea (nic and jess's B mums) birthday at Domini, thats the mental pizza place i told you about...all the waiters remembered me...think of that what you like! We went to JOHN BLUS in lagoa it was a live band it was really kool but we were so tired i didnt get home till four!!! Just got up and looking forward to Rice and Beans sadly there is no chance of it being forgotton here as they buy it themselves! But after a week without it...i think im getting withdrawel simptoms!
Day off tomorrow as huge teacher meeting...were not envited so guess there gonna be talking a bout us! Oh well not long now till leave for Amazon! Love it here but also excited bout the travelling begging again! Though not the rutsack part!
All in all i love it here! My family still really kool and have some brill laughs with them and at them sometimes they have some very odd ways here in brazil...but them im sure they prob think i do or that i am!
Love you all
Lucy, Locket, lulu and Mate over and out xxxxx
Rec a leter from mum in post (thank you)
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