Lucys been let loose
Hey Guys,
Right this week has been fun!
I had three days free from work for catholic day, so that was great!
Mondya Carol and i had a bit of a girlie day we sat and chatted and watched tv then she did my nails which look really nice i must say! Then we went to the hair dressers (for her obviously...i have no money so spend on such iterms!)
Tuesday i met up with the guys in central and we booked our hostels for rio argentina and chile. So thats all booked up now! So im good till Oz now! then went for portuguese class.
Wednesday i went on a little bus trip, well it was actually a full day, i decided i wanted to explore the area so i got on lots of buses and went for a little ride around the area and a nice walk up a hill that cars struggle to get up! But i walked it! stupid me!
Thursay i was back to work had to get carols present wrapped and her a card as it was her birthday, i brought her a top and some pjs! We had portuguese class where we just did some singing which was nice as it was our last lesson! No point carrying on as only here a bit longer and still stuiff that needs to be done...Carol and Glauco want me to attand there english class which should be fun! That eve i got back and Carols bday party had began, she loved the presents. All the family were here and some of her freinds it was a really nice eve!
FridayI went to work and came home i was so tired i had found it hard to get out of bed that morn!
Yesterday i Sunbathed in the day at got ready for a night out in the eve, we went out for a meal with all the guys and then stayed out and went to a club and drank for a bit on the beach...i got home at half eight this morning!
Just a quick message about Diargo i love him so much hes just so lovely, but i love him even when hes bad and spits at other kids and beats them up - maybe this is a sing of why i keep going out with the type of boys i do!
I went to the park with the kids on friday and would just like to say that boys will be boys with the fighting etc but already you can see the gang froming and the look in the eyes of hate towards others! The fighting is awful they look so scary their eyes go all glazed and it like there fighting for a reason... like there parents do luckily they have no guns yet, sadley im sure for most of them in time that will come!
Sorry that i havent been attacked or anything this week just a pretty normal week really!
Love you all missing eastenders as i hear through the grapefine that Phil and Grant are back, exciting!
Love you all Lucy, Locket, lulu and Mate xxxxxxxxxxx
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