Lucys been let loose
Hi guys,
Heres jus another update for you all, not sure if ya getting board with these but i dnt really care!
Its either here it now or when i get back!
Glad to hear your all finding my stories ammussing!
So, heres the next one....Getting lost on the bus was very funny with Nicola and the whole Police situation was a real laugh everymorning, when i get to work the people in charge signal a kind of police car sirren noise and ask if thats how i got there...they are still finding it very funny and tell all the others when they come! So, once again it doesn't seam to matter where i go or who i meet they all take the mick after just a few hours of knowing me. Im taking it that i'm such a fun person they think i can take it...which i can cuz im hard! LOL
Well that wasn't where the story ended im afraid to say (oh no far from it actually) I thought i pretty much had the busses sussed, after all i'd been on pretty much all of them, but NO, on Thurs we had our first meeting with the lady who is going to be teaching us Portuguese two times a week ( lucky her is what i say) we had to catch two busses from work and it was fine i had had a pretty rough day at work and was feeling a bit home sick so as you can imagine me being such a delight all the time the guys could tell that i was a bit upset so were really looking after me...we had something to eat at the mall and then half decided to go home but Pinda, Attiq and myself stayed for ice cream (by the way over here the ice cream is wkd but unusually they do a corn on the cob ice cream RANK) Anyway carrying on....we left about 8 and got on the bus Pinda and Attiq were arguing about which bus to catch but not really being in the mood and hardly a bus expect myself i decided just to let them sort it out! We finally got to the main bus station at about half 8 and the boys decided to get my bus home as they didnt want to leave me by myself as at 9 it is unsafe to be by yourself ( why you ask...well thats when Drug dealler times begins!) So we decided to catch a diffent bus as it was nearer
We ended up travelling half hour south and having to turn round and go all the way back me being in a bad mood too i just became hysterical and as you all know my awful laugh you can imagine that on a echoy bus it became quite loud and people moved away wondering who let the crazed english girl on the bus! We finally got back to the central bus station and i told the lads to get on the bus they normally get and i got on the nxt home so all in all i was terrified as i had walked the four meters from the bus stop to my house late at night...thats right 11pm i got home (so not funny!) That day i took a grand total of 8 buses!
Friday was fine, i went to the cinema with Phil after work and we saw the Wedding Crashers (SO FUNNY!) Its great all the films are in Englsih with Portuguese sub titles!
Yesterday was also an eventful day...I went shopping by myself as being with people 24 - 7 is starting to get to me its worst than big brother, ateast they could tell each other to shut up (note to self: learn Shut up and leave me alone in Portuguese!) Well i asked my Brazilian brother Glauco how long it should take to walk (save me getting a buss) and he said about 15 minutes, so, you can imagine my shock when half hour later i'm still walking...thats right i am rubbish with walking too dnt worry though 40mins later i arrived! I hadn't got lost as its just a straight road (pretty hard for even me to get that wrong) but i had walked following signs to the wrong Mall (note to self: learn portuguese!)
Its just mental here! Saturday night i went out with my team mates and Diargo (hes brazillian) incase ya didnt guess my the name! We went for pizza which was mental too, Buffet is very strange here they dnt let you go up and just pick what you want they keep coming over with different pizzas like every 3 secs (mad!) i have never eaten so much pizza in my life! I even tried the chocolate pizza and banana split pizza ( well ya know what they say when in Rome....that makes no sense!) Then we went to the golden cafe and really ¨happening¨ bar here...well if thats what they call happening snd me home now was my first thought it was like a old bridge club restaurant, tarten table cloths (so last millenium) but the drinks were great! I was quite drunk...i know unusual for me! I'd say i think my drink was spiked but ive used that one before...i wasnt sick though!!! The evening ended for me and Sarah at 3 but the lads stayed till 7 as there just stupid! But the whole evening pizza, taxi, drinks and entrance fee only coast all in all 15 pounds lol its so cheap here!
Ok just realised how long this is so gonna go now
Hope your all ok, keep in touch, im sure they'll be more to come
Infact i know there will as i start surfing next wknd...God help us!
Love you all loads
Lulu, Lucy, Locket and Mate!
Ps...i think what we have all learnt is that i need to learn Portuguese!
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