Lucys been let loose
Hi Guys,
Really not got long to chat but just to say i'm fine!
Really enjoying myself so far. I've had portuguese lessons everyday and also been to a salsa club and to the football. Everyone here is wkd!
We leave tomorrow FRIDAY for our placements...very nervous bout meeting the family im staying with but sure i'll be fine...made some wkd friends already not really missing home just yet but thers still time hey! 5 days down only 10 months to go!
Brazil it very beautiful and nice and hot at the minute looking foreward to learning new things and trying new stuff.
The placement im at looks as though its gonna be nice and quite funny we have help from the police but the kids all belong to drug deallers and stuff so there gonna be protecting us too, though we have to wear special t shirts so they recognmise us and dnt shoot us which is reasurring! lol
Anyway will eamil soon love you all lots
Lucy Locket xxxx
Hi everyone
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