Day 49: 18/2/13
I got a call nice and early to work again today. I had been in this school a few days last year. I seem to be getting the same schools a lot. I had definitely gotten a bus last year, but I couldn't find a bus that would have me there in time, without having me there an hour and a half early. I wouldnt have made the early bus anyway I'd say So I had to get a taxi again!
It was a year 5,6 class that I had. The teacher had no work left. I covered for this teacher before too and there was no work either. I think she's out a lot! I gave them a rake of Maths to do from the board first thing so that fairly quietened them! They were an alright class. There were a few boys that were trying to get away with doing nothing- there's always a few! One of the boys had been in the school that I was on for two weeks last term and he had moved school into this class, which was weird!!
We did some handwriting and then I got them brainstorming about a superhero and made them write a story about their carachter. That took ages so I wasn't stuck for things to do!
They had loads of questions about Ireland too which passed a bit of time. One of them had read about fairies in Irish legends, another had heard how Halloween had originated in Ireland. I knew a bit about that but not enough for their questions! So I'll have to get learning!!
They had parade, which is assembly for the last half hour. We were about a minute late so the class had to wait at the door until the principal said it was okay to come in- oops!
I had to wait ages for a bus to the city as I had just missed the one after school. It was about five when I got into the city and then I had to get a bus out to the house. It was lashing rain all day today so I couldn't even walk from the city! The temperature is only about 22 at the moment- all the kids wanted their jumpers! It's not exactly cold but its colder than normal and when you walk indoors where there is air conditioning its freezing! It's amazing how your body gets used to temperature! I prefer a bit of rain to sweaty heat, but I hate when the kids can't go out for break! We kind of had to stay in with them so that was a pain in the ass!
I didn't do much for the evening- watched some tv, wasted time on the computer... The usual! I did catch up on the blogs from Melbourne last week- finally! Now I just have to put pictures on those days!! Never a dull moment!
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