Day 47: 16/2/13
I had a nice sleep in this morning and was very lazy for a while- reading books, doing puzzles,.... Dossing really!
Kate, the girl in the house is moving out next week. She's never there Anyway as she's in the farm all week. Most of the furniture in my room is hers and today she arrived with a trailer to pack it all up! So I had to repack everything I unpacked the other day! There is a wardrobe in the room and she had a canvas kind of shelf thing that you had in the wardrobe that she didn't want so she said I could use that. She doesn't need the bed either, thankfully! Everything else had to go! I was used to having the chest of drawers, the table, the rocking chair, etc! I can't complain though as the furniture is never provided for you over here and noone else would let a person move in for a few weeks with no deposit or anything!
I spent a while dossing on the computer, listening to music and things.
Then I went to the pub in Southbank- the Plough, and met Sean and Mike there. We had dinner and a few drinks and then went to the cinema to see Zero Dark Thirty- the film about capturing Osama Bin Laden. It was fairly long but good. Even though you knew what should happen as we have seen it on the news, you'd still be wondering what will happen next!
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