Vicki arrived by bus yesterday with no problems - so anyone visiting there is no excuse. If Vicki can do it, so can you!! Last night we had a great BBQ. Vicki had bravely climbed on to the back of Marc and allowed me to drive her up and down the road. Having survived that, we decided the BBQ restaurant would be fine.
This morning we got up early, went to the market and had brunch all by 9.00am. All this was on foot, walking after 10am in the sun is difficult.
So we clambered on to Marc and off we went to explore. As you can see from the picture we went to my favourite spot near Chbar Morn and just walked slowly along by the water, in the shade. It was quiet, beautiful and got hotter and hotter. So we got back on Marc and went to my favourite AC cafe. As we got off Vicki said "That was scary ". She assures me it was the traffic she meant - not my driving!! I have to say highway 4 was at it's worse!!
After a frappe and an iced coffee we got back on Marc and took the long quieter route home.
Vicki is now sleeping off all the late nights she has had recently and I am blogging!!
- comments
Jan Vicki has been travelling in weird and wonderful places all on her own for months.We stay at home types may find local buses more scary!