We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies. ~Pablo Picasso
Today was my last Thursday in paris, and my last day of field trips. I am now entirely done with my classes (except for those pesky finals on monday). This last field trip was one I had been looking forward to a lot! We went to the Pompidou Center, a modern museum of art. Even from the outside you know you're in for something unique. The building is inside out, all the pipes and working parts exposed to the elements.
Riding up the escalators to the top was a lot of fun! All the escalators are in clear tubes so you get an amazing view of Paris on your way up to the top. At the top we went through a temporary exhibit and art and religion, it was really interesting. They actually had several movie clips that played in little side rooms which I thought was very interesting. The primary focus of the entire museum was modern art so some of the Artwork I didn't quite get... and some of it was a little disturbing (one created of the artist's blood) and some of them were really beautiful and interesting. Unfortunately we couldn't take pictures inside :(
After that we took a break for lunch and I went on a shopping spree and bought myself two t-shirts. They're too cute. One is about the history of art and one is a 'Paris' shirt and both were on sale, so yay! I had a cheese panini but it was really disappointing and cold... so I got some gellatto instead...and it was delicious!
We returned and headed into the main exhibit, the Modern Art section. It was massive, nowhere near as large as the Louvre of course, but still was two stories full of individual rooms and meandering hidden hallways. The art was amazing. I actually got to see some original Piccaso and Matisse paintings which was really just incredible. Anytime I see something in person that I have studied in class it's always just so unbelievable that I am actually here now.
I spent several hours wandering the museum before finally heading back to the Cite... but I was a semi-bad girl and went out shopping. I bought a few presents and some things for myself (I'm so selfish!) before returning back to my room. The heat is really getting to me. it was around 93 today and there is no AC at the school in our rooms so it never cools down. I am constantly sweaty and aching to cool down. I keep drinking loads of water and keep cool cloths around my neck too but the heat is really getting tough to deal with.
My feet are tired and sore today and my legs are a bit sore and with the the temperature I decided to have a very easy night. I went to dinner at the school cafe and then went to explore a beautiful park across the street, so that was really neat! But all in all, I'm very glad I decided to take it easy since I know these next few days are going to be busy with trying to cram in everything I still want to do so I better rest when I can!
I'm very excited about going home, but it's still so weird thinking I only have a few days left here. It's going to be so strange going back to the States and returning to life there....
Bon soir!
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