I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within. ~Lillian Smith
So today was all about exploring! It was also the first day of classes. I was a little disappointed because my class schedule leaves little time to explore before 6.... but that's ok! I'll make it work! I went out for lunch with Alex and Kelly and got a HUGE sandwich for lunch. Part of it is still in my fridge. We also found some great stores near the school, a fruit and food store and a knick-knack store (with hair dryers and fans!!). It was rainy and yucky for a lot of the day.
But class was interesting. I was dozing off during my morning class, sleepy, sleepy! I'm still trying to get over my jet lag, it's hard!! Anyways, the class seems interesting enough... but the teacher is really soft spoken, his voice is very soothing... so easy to fall asleep. But I did stay awake the whole time. I might have to start with some coffee.
But after morning class is when I got to explore and found this great little bakery near the school. I know where I can go for pastries and things now. Yay!! Even if the money did confuse me... I guess he was trying to give me a discount price? It was 2,10 euro and he kept saying soixante. Which is 60. I know I gave him 2,10 in Euros... so not sure what happened there....anyways. It was a Religeuse Chocolat and it was yummy!!
My afternoon class is more interesting and I think it will be a lot of fun exploring philosophy in Paris of all places!!
We have classes again tomorrow and then I have plans to go to the Louvre!! I'm really excited about that! I cannot wait to go to the Louvre, how cool would that be?
Saturday is going to be my first big touring day. Getting up early to try to go see the Eiffel Tower, explore the town, hit Notre Dame, the catacombs, maybe go shopping too! It should be loads of fun.
I'm looking at where to go on my eurail pass we got I might go on a tour of some champagne companies with the directors of the program... and then I was looking at Avignon, Tours, Brugge, Orlean, and maybe Brussels..... I'm trying to avoid staying overnight since hotels are outrageous and hostels are kind of scary a bit in some places. I think I might just stay in France. There's so much here that I would love to really get to explore France and not have to stress with 6 or 7 hour train rides and finding hotels and so on.
I'm still quite homesick, but it's getting a bit better, I think I'll probably be homesick the whole trip, but that doesn't mean I won't enjoy myself here! I'm going to have a blast. I love the slower pace here and just sitting and relaxing enjoying the breeze.
Bon soir!!
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