The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone. ~Johann von Goethe
Today's field trip was a lot of fun, we explored all around Le Marias which is one of the oldest areas of Paris that has been kept up. A few of the buildings there date back to the Medieval period and have been restored to their original beauty for us all to appreciate. The tour was really very interesting and we ran across all kinds of old hotels (old mansions).
However, my favorite part of the tour was a tie between two total opposites. First was the Saint-Gervais church. I think it was even more beautiful than Notre Dame. It has existed as a church in that spot since the 6th century. It has been enlarged and enhanced but it has always been a church. What struck me the most about the church was the sheer vibrant color in the stain glass windows. The colors are amazing, full of life, full of images and beauty. Unlike many of the other churches whose windows are pale and dull, this church embraces bold, powerful color which I found to be one of the most beautiful sights of Paris so far.
My other favorite was a Museum on Modern Art, the Centre Pompidou. It's a massive building, built with all it's pipes and foundation exposed. Ac pipes are blue, heating red, and so on. All the pipes are exposed, the building is massive and I am already making plans to return to explore the inside. (We only made a quick walk by it) I'm very excited about it, and I'm planning on staying out a little later these next few weeks so I can see more. Not to worry, I still won't be staying out until two in the morning.
After returning for the field trip, I dressed up in a nice dress and heels and went out with Kelly and Dr. Hansen to a lovely, gourmet restaurant... where we only got tea and dessert! It was fabulous fun! The restaurant was so ornate, it was like eating in Versaille, cravings along the ceiling, painted murals, leather couches as chairs, and the most amazing food I have had yet. It was a lot of fun to get to talk with Dr. Hansen as well, she told us a lot about London, another place I would love to visit!
When I got back, I was really restless so I took my ipod, and a notebook and went to the park at the Cite and just sat and relaxed for a good 45 minutes. It was a bit chilly out, but I enjoyed the fresh air and the time to collect my thoughts and reflect on my time here. Today is actually, the half-way mark of my trip. Time is certainly going by really quickly.
Tomorrow I am going on a trip to tour some champagne companies in France (I cannot remember where they are). I will be traveling with the program directors and I'm excited about the trip. I think it will be a new experience for me to learn about champagne from some of the best vineyards in France. On Saturday I'm traveling to Lyon for the day, it's a smaller town (about the third largest in France) and I can't wait to go and see more of France. We're taking a train bright and early in the morning and returning in the evening.
Sunday I'm not sure what I'm doing yet. I would love to go out shopping and go to see the catacombs and maybe even go by the Centre Pompidou and begin exploring it since it is so massive and it is something I really want to do. I also still have to go by the little Gothic Lolita Boutique I've read about and find the location where most of Amelie was filmed. There's so much to do, so much time, but still so little time. I think it's going to fly by before I know it.
Bon soir!
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