"What an odd thing tourism is. You fly off to a strange land, eagerly abandoning all the comforts of home, and then expend vast quantities of time and money in a largely futile attempt to recapture the comforts that you wouldn't have lost if you hadn't left home in the first place."
So today was the last day of classes. We just have one field trip tomorrow, and then Finals on Monday before the trip is over!! I'm so excited because despite my original thoughts... I am going to get to go to Versaille!! I am so ridiculously excited about this. I am really excited about my last few days here. I'm being a little less frugal with my money.. but I still haven't spent more than like 50 euro in one place so that's been great!
This Saturday is when I'm going to go to Versaille and then next Tuesday I'm going to Giverny where Monet painting all his beautiful water lily scenes. So I'm super excited about that. I'm going to hit up a few more museums and just enjoy my time in paris. I'm not going to stress... and I actually have started to pack tonight so that I have less to stress about later on!
But after class we decided to be touristy and went to the Hard Rock Cafe! It was quite the ride across town and we ended up running into a very nice group of ladies from America on vacation and they pointed us in the right direction. It was fun talking with them about Paris and sharing experience and advice to them.
The Hard Rock Cafe was totally a dose from home. Almost everyone there spoke english and the music was all in english. It was so weird. I almost felt bad for being there, but it was so much fun even if there was some trouble with the waiter bringing the wrong drinks and having attitude... he became much nicer after some time and winked at me a few times... awkward!
After Hard Rock Cafe (Where I spent the most money for dinner of anywhere I've gone) we went out to a little souvenir shop where I bought myself the coolest picture of the Eiffel Tower. It's so colorful and funky, I love it.
Anyways, tomorrow is the Pompidou center and I am so excited!! I think I'm going to really love it. It's full of art of every kind, a lot of modern art, and in general just looks like a really awesome place!! After that I'm not sure what I'll do... whatever the day brings I suppose.
Oh on an interesting note... today has been the only day my legs are sore and it's from the Dump Exhibit since I had to walk squatting or hunched over... so interesting that 20-30 minutes of walking like that can do that to you. And even more interesting... this time next week I will be home. Today is my last full Wednesday in Paris!!!
Bon soir!!
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