The internet was out last night so I couldn't update which really made me sad since I haven't missed a day yet… but I wasn't about to go out with my laptop into Paris to search for an internet café at night. Not that Paris is unsafe, but I'd rather stay close to the Cite at night. So I wrote this in word last night, just to keep up the habit of writing something every night!
Today is the beginning of my last full week in Paris! It's hard to believe that I'll be home in about a week. It's very exciting and I'm thrilled at getting to see my family again! I really miss the people a lot! Europe is apparently going through a heat wave so things get really warm and unpleasant a bit, especially in the metro (not many places have A/C) but tonight there was a nice rain and wind which helped cool things down (though I think the wind is what took out the internet)
I didn't do too much today, I went to my classes and went grocery shopping. There was a really cool machine that sliced your baguette for you and it was just the coolest thing. If I go back before I leave I'll try to get a picture or video of it! I was a little sad since I didn't see any strawberries but I did see some beautiful grapes so hopefully tomorrow I can maybe buy some fruit!
Dinner made me very happy…they had GREEN BEANS!! I never thought I would be so excited for green beans but I was just stuffing my face with them. They were cold, but I didn't care. They were great. I also tried some flan… it was… interesting. A very strange texture to it, like custard in jell-o form.After dinner I participated in a Focus Group giving our opinions on the Cite and the rooms we'd been staying in. It was a nice chance to get to sit with the directors and talk about what worked and what didn't. I think they were surprised by what we all had to say (we will pay more for a private bathroom!) and they also gave us some fabulous pastries…mmm….chocolates and éclairs!
After that Rachel, Dr. Hansan, and I all went to an Organ Symphony concert at Notre Dame. It was absolutely breath-taking. The organ is such a powerful instrument, you can feel it shaking you all the way to your core. The symphony cooing along with the beastly organ was just a powerful experience. During the concert it began to rain and the organist began improvising a piece and it was amazing how the sound of the organ and the sound of the rain melding together into a fusion of man and nature, it was just surreal, something out a novel or a movie. Not something I ever thought I would see in real life.
Tomorrow I'm visting the Rodin museum again with my American Writer's class and then I hope to go to the Tokyo Palace, a modern art museum that is, as the website says, 'not just on the cutting edge of art, but on the bleeding edge' and then maybe to a great little tea house. Who knows? I've stopped really making concrete plans because it's such fun to just go with the flow and discover new things to do everyday. There's always somewhere to go, and something new to try. Everyday is an adventure if you just choose to step out of what you expect, and out of your routine.
Well I'm going to take this chance to get to bed early I guess. Once again, I'm so sorry I couldn't actually put this up last night. I really wanted to… but the internet was out. :(
Bon Soir!
There is still not internet in my room. I went out early to use the school cafe's wifi. If there is still none in my room tonight I will once again probably not get to update. Sorry! I'm trying!
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