Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. ~Charles Richards
Today actually I didn't too much, and it was a nice break! I had classes which always cuts down on my time to explore. But my classes are getting more interesting. It's hard to believe that mid terms are next week and soon I will be beginning week 3 in Paris! I love it here, but I will be excited about getting home!
Today Rachel, Kelly and I went and had lunch on the lovely little grass clearing at the school. It was a lot of fun, sandwiches and fruit and water and a beautiful sunny day. The weather finally cleared up enough, and for only the second day since arriving here, it didn't rain all day!
After that we went on a wild trek to the train station to buy our tickets for our trips for the rest of the time here! I will be travelling across France to a different city every friday and saturday from now on! It's going to be lots of fun and I'm excited about it! This weekend is our trip to normandy which I am very excited about, and very much looking forward to. I'm not sure if I will have internet so you might not get to be updated on it until I get back to Cite on Sunday evening which also is the eve of Bastille Day!
Hannah got bitten by a spider and her hand was swelling up and turning a bit purple, so we left the train station without validating our eurorail pass (something we can do later!) and took her back to the Cite to have her looked at, but she's fine thank goodness!
Tomorrow is a field trip to explore some statues (including the famous 'Thinker' ) so that should be a very cool trip. Oh, but here are my planned trips around Paris.
Fri. July 18th- Champagne tour with Dr. Hansen and Dr. Carter
Sat, July 19th- Lyon
Fri. July 25- Avignon
Sat. July 26- Tours
Fri August 1 Orleans
Sat. August 2 Lille
And that is my plan for the trip around France! All of these places are about an hour ride from paris, and I'm just spending the day there and returning to the Cite that night. I'm excited because for all of those tickets it cost me about 24 euro!
And then tonight I had fun washing some of my clothing by hand! Hopefully I can do laundry tomorrow so I can pack up for the trip to Normandy before the very last minute!!
Well I should go get to bed early while I can,
Bon soir!
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