A Sleepless Night!! Turns out I am super sensitive to the caffeine like chemicals in cacao and after drinking a glass yesterday at 1pm I was unable to sleep most of the night. It didn't bother me that I couldn't sleep and I used meditation and calming techniques to try and help me relax and amazingly I woke up with energy so all and all not so bad. Today's meditation started with a really nice group discussion and every bodies energy was really positive which I think have me a boost of energy also. We learned a really cool technique for meditation today which involves concentrating on the heart centre and then visualizing an ember burning and slowly igniting as we breathe in and out. I struggled at first and only at the very end was able to have some luck with this technique but trying not to be too hard on myself I let it pass and will try again tommorow. Today's yoga was great and I felt again my body was different and how I could sink more into my body to feel movements and energies - we did a few postures that really helped fire will power and determination and I really felt the presence of this energy. I am learning how yoga can really play over into my daily life and how I can find peace and happiness through my heart and feeling my body. The lecture was also really interesting looking at truthfulness and how often we lie to others and ourselfs and how this effects us. It was really interesting diving into this topic and figuring out and developing ways to start being more truthful to myself and others - San Marcos is bringing the best out in me and all these things I am learning I am able to use straight away and see the huge benefits of. Unfortunately the rain started as class finished so no sun baking on the dock - which I had been hoping for; maybe tommorow I won't hope for anything and I will be pleasantly surprised by whatever arises?? The rest of the day I read my book and listened to the rainfall - exactly what the moment had demanded. I was so thankful for the slowly trickling hot shower they re-energized my frozen body after a sedately afternoon in a chilly room. I had some really nice chats with my housemates and realized how lucky I am to be surrounded by such beautiful people and how I wish I could take them all with me when I leave. I realize how important it is to be around positive people and also people that value and honor the same things as you do. Too often I think when I was younger I had relationships and friendships with people so far out of my realm that meant certain problems and collapse.
- Lecture on truthfulness
- Rainy day of reading
- comments