Day 3 Hridaya Yoga!! I woke around 4am this morning and had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep again - haven't quiet learned how to quiet my mind yet. So the start of the day was a bit of a test with many thoughts, anxiousness and senses coming over me. The meditation started and today we focused on the hearts centre: concentrating on the spot just to right of the heart centre- I found this incredibly difficult and really struggled to keep my mind from wondering, feeling discomfort in my body and falling asleep. I continuously shifted positions which distracted me from following my breath: with compassion I accepted today's meditation as it was and will try to learn from it (more sleep, better posture/position). Next was Hartha yoga and this was wonderful - using body awareness our minds had something to grasp and the poses (which we held for long periods of time) gave rise to so many new feelings and senses. I found myself feeling love, strength, energy, grounding and having wonderful insights whilst holding the various poses. Relaxation after the yoga was once again difficult and I felt myself falling asleep and loosing concentration many times. Today's lecture was about self inquiry - questioning: 'who am I?' Not my thoughts, feelings or emotions rather what is left when all this has been sliced away: awareness, love etc. the lectures are a lot to take in but all of the teachings and stories resonate with me on a high level and I truly feel I know all this and the teachings are just sign posts guiding me home. Today was very fulfilling and I glimpsed at a new and exciting place where everything I need seems to be - I feel my body in a new way, I laugh at the crazy incessant thinking and I detach from all the thoughts realizing they have nothing to do with who I am. Even just talking about this is exhausting and after classes I am absolutely drained. The sun was out in the afternoon which is something a little rare around here so I made the most of it by heading down to the dock and getting some shine. Whilst lying and contemplating on the dock I realized how out of balance my life has got and how everything is related and how this moment is the only moment I have to act and so it is The Power of Now.
- Energy of the sun
- Power of Now
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