Today it was time to say goodbye to our friends on the island and head back to the mainland.
We stopped in to see John and Moe and had coffee looking out their window at the marina down below. They have a great view - including the hair dresser across the street (right John).
Delaine was at their trailer at Spider Lake so we dropped in on her. Unfortunately Joe was away on a fishing trip in Horsefly - hope he has good luck. They have a very nice campground but it was like a maze getting around. It was a good thing that Dee met us at the gate or we may still be driving around there.
It was a beautiful day for the ferry ride from Comox to Powell River. The wind was cool but we stayed out on the deck for the whole ride looking for whales. We didn't see any. We did see 3 "somethings" - I think it was 2 seals and a dolphin but I am not sure.
We found Randall and Meralon house with no problem - GPS took us right there. What a spectacular backyard they have with a huge pond with koi fish in it. They will eat right from your hand. I had a great time feeding them prawns and bread - they much preferred the prawns though.
Randall and Meralon took us out on their boat (which has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a bathtub) to collect the prawn and crab traps. Unfortunately someone had taken the crab and left 2 empty beer cans - very disrespectful! We did get a lot of prawns though and that was our supper - delicious! One of the prawn traps actually had a 20 lb octopus in it - which of course ate all the prawns in the trap. Guess he was hungry. I held on to one of the tentacles and it was really weird - he stuck to me.
- comments
Cathy Wow...what a fabulous trip. Love reading your blog. Look forward to reading your next update.
Meralon Drader This is my first time reading a blog, very cool! Love the pictures and what an adventure you are on! It was great having you visit us.