August 19, 2012 we inofficially moved into the new house (for those who are concerned, we have since legalized our status...). We made it, but barely. The last couple of months were crazy, Jason worked pretty much 24/7, either downtown or at the house and a couple of nights a week, once Sophie was in bed, I would head to the house to get some of "my responsibilities" wrapped up. Through all of this we had visitors from Switzerland and as mentioned in the previous post, some utterly useless contractors.
There is still LOTS that needs to be fixed/get done and it will easily keep us busy through all of the winter months but: we're in! It's great and we have our lives back.
We even went on a road trip to Vancouver Island - it almost felt like life before "the house": we played some tennis, slept in, didn't talk construction, to-do lists or errands, read the odd trashy magazine and just had plain fun!
How does it feel to live in the new house? Really not much different - we feel like we have been living in the new house for a long time... considering we were here several days a week throughout the whole construction process. We know where every switch is, we know why the windows are where they are, we can navigate the house blind-folded.
We enjoy having the extra space and having visitors is so much easier - no more moving furniture to make space :-).
We LOVE our new house. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this happen! You are the best!
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