Have been saying Cape Leveque was the destination but not so. We lost interest when we learnt that trailers/caravans were not allowed - and that the last 100km's is all SEALED! Middle Lagoon is on the western side of the Dampier Peninsula and accessed from the Cape Leveque Road. Spent 3 nights there & enjoyed the beach. Apparently a croc has been sighted recently at the creek - I couldn't find the creek let alone the saltie!
Should mention that the CL Road (sandy & rough) and the access track (sandy & major puddles) were much better by the time Steve & Yvonne tackled them - multiple graders meant the CL Road was like a billiard table and the access road had dried out. Probably a good thing as after all he is driving a Nissan!
Barn Hill is a working cattle station with some tourism on the side. Beautiful beach, sand & rocks. Very popular with fisher folk. Most boats launched from the beach came back with - fish!
Moving just up the road to Port Smith tomorrow. May well catch up with S&Y.
- comments
Toby Hey Al it's a pity Y's name isn't Betty it would make your blogs far more exciting. Good to see you wouldn't go on the bitumen, got to make sure you cause maximum disruption to the environment you Brighton yuppy. Just think if you had of used the bitumen you might have been able to sneak up on the old salty, or even S&B & provided us with some amazing action shots. Catch ya mate luv to S&E. Toby.
JG Hey Al. I wouldn't worry too much about looking for that croc. I think the one in Crocodile Dundee wasn't real so if you find it you might be in a bit of trouble. The market is down but surely not that bad. Does Steve have the same problem booking a service as the Toyota drivers. You were copping all sorts of abuse last Thursday morning. Coldest for about 11 years. Hope the heat and the flies were giving you b*****y! JG