Figgy's Kimberley Adventure
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Kalgoorlie, Western Australia

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Kalbarri, Western Australia
Toby You idiot Al , the sooner we get you home to Brighton and tucked into bed the safer we will all feel. I will let the girls at the golf club know that you are back, so they can order in some more sugar. See you soon mate Toby.
re: Peterborough, South Australiafiggy47 Good idea JG. Wonder if the milk in my camp fridge is still ok. Maybe not!
re: Kalgoorlie, Western AustraliaJG Hi Al, you are almost only a couple of sleeps away from home. Think I'd better ask Jimmy to put the kettle on. Enjoy the last of your epic journey. JG
re: Kalgoorlie, Western AustraliaToby b***** it he got out. Oh well surely there will be other opportunities. Nice sunset photo Al. Oh by the way Al, have won my last 5 golf matches, with a best score of 30 points, yes siree we are certainly playing some great golf at the moment. Keep having a great time my regards to S&E. Toby
re: Francois Peron NP, Western AustraliaToby Al judging by your photo of the Sea Eagle it doesn't look like catching fish is too difficult. So how come its taken me bruv, 2 bloody months to catch his first fish of the trip. Now he has he will probably become an angling consultant. Seeing its his birthday on Monday 08/07/13, could you pick up a nice bottle of red on my behalf , a penfolds Grange or something like that, and I'll fix you up when you get back. Luv to all Toby.
re: Cape Range NP, Western AustraliaGreg Hi Figgy, Sounds wet around your area. Just went through your updates with Junko and Yoko. Hello's all round from the ladies. Cheers Greg, Junko and Yoko!
re: Dampier, Western AustraliaToby Al that dogs grey, are you sure they are mining iron ore, the dogs colour would indicate bauxite . Toby
re: Dampier, Western AustraliaToby Well well well , can't roll a salty can't catch a fish, oh dear we had better go & have a good old game of (steady) golf. Just got out my old video tapes of ask the Lehman Bros, cos I need a bit of excitement , Julia's fxxxxd & your transfixed by midges & mozzies & some transcendence to the moon , along with other strange individuals who play the didgeridoo . Al I think it's time you started heading south east to the sunny Melb climes of -1 degree mornings. I'm sure you must miss the culture of good food , wines, women , & the intellectual stimuli of JO'C , KS, JG, JS, KW, CHINGA, WILLO, KB(well) , & any other miscreant you can remember, & oh yes me. I know your having fun scrambling into your swag each night, eating bake beans, probably cold because you haven't mastered rubbing two sticks together, but either tell me something exciting or stop annoying me with your drivel that just goes on & on& on & on &on & on & on& on & on. Luv ya mayyyyte see ya soon luv to S&B. Toby
re: Cape Keraudren, Western AustraliaJG Hey Al. I wouldn't worry too much about looking for that croc. I think the one in Crocodile Dundee wasn't real so if you find it you might be in a bit of trouble. The market is down but surely not that bad. Does Steve have the same problem booking a service as the Toyota drivers. You were copping all sorts of abuse last Thursday morning. Coldest for about 11 years. Hope the heat and the flies were giving you b*****y! JG
re: Barn Hill Station, Western AustraliaToby Hey Al it's a pity Y's name isn't Betty it would make your blogs far more exciting. Good to see you wouldn't go on the bitumen, got to make sure you cause maximum disruption to the environment you Brighton yuppy. Just think if you had of used the bitumen you might have been able to sneak up on the old salty, or even S&B & provided us with some amazing action shots. Catch ya mate luv to S&E. Toby.
re: Barn Hill Station, Western AustraliaToby Not very subtle action by S&Y Al, but I suppose after a certain amount of time one can find another a touch irksome, come to think of it you have been gone for a bit over a month now & I'm only just starting to get the first pangs of missing you. I'm glad you are enjoying Broome , in my opinion you are in the more interesting area of Broome , I presume you have been to the old town area, I hope you have been to the museum, if you get time hop on the tourist route bus, $1.00 for seniors hop on & off as you please, it takes a convoluted route around Broome & passes or stops at most places of interest. Better go Al, takes too bloody long typing with one finger, I wonder if I could dictate my messages through Siri . Keep having fun mate Toby .
re: Broome, Western Australia- last visited

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Toby You idiot Al , the sooner we get you home to Brighton and tucked into bed the safer we will all feel. I will let the girls at the golf club know that you are back, so they can order in some more sugar. See you soon mate Toby.