Deb's Travels...
Captains Log. Star Date 30.04.05
Goodness me! Isn't time flying by! Its almost May...this is concerning to me... I'm not sure I like how fast this year is trundelling along...
Anyway! It has happened...I have finally bitten the biscuit and have decided on the oldest career path in the book...selling my body for cash. Well technically...I'm getting a cheque...and NO! its not what all you dirty minds are thinking!!
I am taking part in medical research... its all kosher, its through the hosptial and invloves me having to take the pill for 3 months, and another tablet for one month, to see if the other tablet affects the effectiveness of the pill.
I have been poked prodded and tested for EVERYTHING imgineable... its good to know I am 100% healthy! I had to wear a heart monitor for 24hrs solid, and couldn't shower with it on as it couldn't get wet...I got some rather odd looks while on the bus ride home and had wires poking out from under my T-Shirt!! : )
So anyway, I get to spend three separate 2 night stays at hospital over the course of the trial (3months) so Tom, I too shall have hospital stories to tell the grandkids (or my cats-whatever!!) where they will do tests and stuff...
The only downside is that throughout the course of the trial I'm not supposed to have more than 2 units of alcohol a day...erm, yeah, how bout no scott! I am not planning on adhering stringintly to this rule...and have infact, already broken it a number of times in about a week! : /
Also, for 48hrs before I have to go for tests I cant have any caffiene (including chocolate-gasp!) or fruit juices or poppy seeds or alcohol...BOO!! : (
So just to reiterate (before you start stressing out mum and dad)-they are NOT testing for side affects-the drugs are already available on the market, and are safe, they are testing to see the affects (if any) the drugs have on the effectiveness of the pill. Oh and dont worry I'm not going to get pregnant either! ; )
I also managed to bag myself a day of real life work a call centre...ah memories!! It was just for a day and involved having to call shareholders and ask them questions about selling their shares... it was completly scripted and we wernt supposed to deviate from the all...which proved difficult at times, its not the most natural of conversations when you have to flick through an A4 brochure for a response!!
So most people wern't that bothered about answering our questions, but we hit our target of filled in questionaries, so it was all good...they had about 30 temps in for the assignment, I'd say 85% were travellers!!
Hopefully some more work will come from this agency...
Ok, well thats all my news, just wanted to say, again, that yes, I am still alive! Just a little bit lame at replying to emails...
Hope everyone is keeping happy and enjoying life...
Hey, hows this for a quote: "The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create."
Over and out xxx
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