Deb's Travels...
Captains Log. Star Date 03.07.05
Just had to share this cos I have found it to be rather funny!!.... just got in from the most random dinner. Went with a few of my housemates to find a pub and get dinner. The one we went to first was shut, great! So we went to another, and as we walked in we heard what we thought was (bad) karaoke and then as we went to the bar we were approached by a guy who basically told us that his chick was being filmed for a dvd and if we went and sat in the audience the drinks were on him. He had a tab at the bar! So of course we did (even tho i cant drink alcohol cos got blood tests tomorrow) it was absolute torture the woman was so bad!! Imagine really bad club singing but worse. There were about 15 people in the audience, all having been bribed to be there! She was a chinese lady but obviously not ok with that as she had a blonde wig on and blue contacts in. She looked and i think she was, crazy! She made the strangest noises inbetween songs and it was a rael effort not to cringe as she hit the high notes when the camera was on me!! What a random evening!!
Over and out xxx
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