Here we are on Rome!! After a hot and rocky walk over the rough cobblestones from the station, we made our way to our hotel, not far from Roma Termini. Bwian was convinced we needed a taxi, but I was working on the 'Mueller System' of measurement and said, 'it's not far.....' indeed it was only 500m, but felt further over rough cobblestones in the heat of the day, + a terraced wall on the road that wasn't on the map, that we had to backtrack around!!! Anyway, again, behind a shabby and dubious facade, we found our fabulous hotel, very well presented, with a great room, air conditioning, a sizable bathroom, a table and chairs and everything we need in a great location! So again, we sat for a little while in the heat of the day for a little recovery before embarking on our first Roman walking adventure! Mid afternoon, we set off on an alleged short walk, however there were many obstacles in our way, mainly shops - no not for me ..... Bwian type shops!! So he got a couple of pairs of shorts and a new man barghe!! We spent some time in a pen shoppe and continued on our original quest of discovering the Trevi Fountain - fulfilling another childhood memory from TV viewing in the 60s (A Family Affair) and of course many movies since, that drew me to see it in the flesh/marble!!! There were probably about 500 of our best friends there, all falling over each other to take photos. Bwian got a little feisty after being stood on and pushed by a couple of totally physically unaware people who just barged their way around to get the best position for their shots!! You can guess the types of things he said, and not too quietly!!! Bloody Australians!!! Anyway, after tossing some coins in the fountain, in the hope that we will return, we set off towards the Spanish Steps. We stopped at a bar/cafe for cool beverages and a breather!! Bwian had a Mojito (at last), and I had a Tequila Sunrise - very refreshing!!! On the way we passed the usual establishments - Gucci, Chanel, Bulgari, Prada etc etc... you know, the regular places we frequent - and curiously some of those with closed doors and gorgeously groomed doormen, didn't automatically open as we passed!! I couldn't work that out!!!!??? Anyway, found our way to the Spanish Steps to witness a countless stream of unsuspecting tourists drinking, and filling their water bottles from the fountain there (no, not a drinking fountain, but a regular reticulated decorative fountain)!! Wonder how many will be unwell tomorrow!!!?? From there we managed to maneuver ourselves along towards our hotel, and found a great outdoor restaurant to stop at for dinner. Had a lovely evening, but still hot. At 9:45pm it was still 28 degrees!!! Tomorrow we have a tour booked for The Vatican, St Peter's and The Sistine Chapel, so we'll do that and also go off a wandering!!! We are enjoying the change of culture and space here in Rome, but still very cautious crossing the road!! They're crazy drivers here!!! All fabo! Xxx
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