Photo: Some old bloke and a statue in Siena!!! One of them is one thousand years old!!!
Had a pottering day around Siena today. It was extremely hot - allegedly 46 degrees in the carpark at one point. We had a fascinating hour in a post office, trying to send a couple of parcels. Big time security there!!! Glass walls partitions and doors everywhere!!! You have to pass everything through a 2 door cupboard and the customer side will only open when the cranky lady side (not me!!) is secure. I got the chuckles when I had to do everything 'in the cupboard'!!!! I still thought it was funny after the 'national debt' bill for the 2 parcels!!!! Anyway, as we departed, the ever positive Bwian said, "that's the last you'll see of them!". (That made me laugh more!!!!)
Hope not, otherwise there'll be a lot of shoeveneers gone west ... and no birthday present for Chas!!!!! Managed to find a salon to have my nails done too. Very few nail salons in Italy, it's not really not the done thing!! I forgot my phrase book so it's a good thing I've still got nails or even fingers for that matter!!! (Narn & Affia, I know you get this!!! :-) )
Anyway, here we are back at the Villa. As I write this Gryndel is preparing a culinary feast for us - Heineys and cheese and crostino!! Then, another Tuscan BBQ for us for dinner. An exciting evening ahead with some packing to finish the day. Off to Venice tomorrow. Hope the little Peugeot can make it !!! Arrivederci!!! Xxx
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