After leaving Wyndham we saw about seven aeroplanes arrive at the Wyndham Airport and we had seen two cruise ships had pulled into the Wyndham wharf. The passengers were picked up and taken out to the airport for flights over the Bungle Bungles, so we found a spot at the end of the runway to watch them all take off.
Eighteen kilometres from Turkey Creek, we had a massive BANG. So a quick pullover to discover an inside rear tyre had blown out. One of us, Alan did the work of changing the tyre while the other, Lorelle supervised and offers of cold Pepsi. Anyhow back on the road Alan could sit back and have a rest, while Lorelle finished off the driving for the day. We pulled into a free camp Leycester Rest Area 80kms short of Halls Creek.
Alan received a phone call from Colin, who was travelling up the Tanami Track with his wife Janette. So caught up with them in Halls Creek, had a cuppa and chat before parting ways and we moved onto Ngumban free camp, 100kms east of Fitzroy Crossing.
Fitzroy Crossing - The Heart of the Kimberley's
After a visit to the tourist information centre, Lorelle bought a beautiful glass necklace.
We drove down the road to do a Geike Gorge tour. For only $30.50 it certainly was a great one hour tour. It is amazing to hear that the Fitzroy River when in flood can spread out 25 kilometres wide. When Geike Gorge is in full flow the river could fill all of Perth's dams and rivers in just one hour. After the tour we drove to The Boab Gravel Pit for the night.
- comments
Cuppa Looks like you had it easy - I can’t see any ants on the ground waiting to swarm all over you the moment you got down on the ground to do the job.
Cuppa Not a bad pic of you