I think it needs one.
I read this phrase the other day.
And I didn't know what it was.
So I looked it up.
And this is what I found.
We've all heard of déjà vu, the sensation you get when you’re in strange place or circumstance yet somehow feel as if you’ve “been there before.”
But let’s reverse that:
Suppose you’re in a situation that is very familiar—perhaps you’re driving to work or doing something else that you’ve done a hundred times before—and you suddenly feel as if you’re experiencing something completely new. This is vuja de, and it could be a key to becoming a better questioner and a more creative, innovative thinker.
The concept of vuja de is basically that it is important to be able to look at familiar situations and see them anew—notice things with a fresh perspective.
I found, that after my first trip overseas, I was driving on the Monash to work, noticing things.
And I was thinking, ' If I was overseas looking at this, I'd think it was beautiful.'
Walking with Dash, I seem to look at things with that thought in mind.
So, a blog.
Of daily things.
Just things that happen.
Things I want to remember.
I don't know if I'll be any good at Vuja De.
But I'm going to give it a good shot.
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