Kimbo's 39th on 22nd came and went really without any fanfare, he didn't want to do anything and a roast lamb dinner was all he wanted - a man of simple pleasures and so low maintenance!
We visited Cohuna Koala & Wildlife Park at Byford not far out of Perth the $9.00 admittance fee each was a bit steep!
The aviaries are amazing, in fact they're so big you don't even realise you're inside one which is a good thing I know Kimbo hates the thought of a bird (any bird) being caged. The koalas were pretty cute too but I wasn't paying $10 to have a photo taken holding one. They have set up a great sanctuary with plenty of animals roaming freely on about 14 hectares of land.
3rd October Sunday – went to the Perth show. Kimbo was very brave and basically indulged me by grinning and bearing it, but we didn't go on any rides. Loved seeing all the animals in particular the piglets, puppies and kittens. I was spoilt again when he bought me a Rocky Road showbag – knock yourself out big spender!!!
Saw Tina Turner with Darryl Braithwaite as support at the Entertainment Centre. A very high intensity show and once again Kimbo just sucked it up as it wasn’t his type of show.
We’ve decided to make a move before the end of the year, no idea where we'll go yet but very excited. Unfortunately it appears the brake fluid has leaked out as we have no brakes on the bus. Eek! that could be a little interesting but Kimbo's onto it and will book it into the local Checkpoint place once we have a definitive date we'll be leaving. Now madly trying to work out where to fit all the gear we’ve bought in the past 12 months. We also need to get rid of a couple of vehicles, three cars is a little excessive.
16th October we tarted up the Corolla for sale, put an ad in the paper and although it looked beautiful, sadly not much interest and nobody came to look at it. However on Tuesday a young Dutch couple (Michael and Jacky) who have migrated here and are staying at the park took the car for a test drive and came back offering $1,000 - SOLD!!
Decided to take ourselves off for a Saturday afternoon drive to Dwellingup where we'd been a few months ago on the steam train. We took some dirt roads on our way - as you do and at one point we ended up on a road that was closed because Macmahons were building a new dam and explosions were taking place – we were outta there. Then to Dwellingup via North Dandalup. Took a road just on the other side of Dwellingup that followed the Murray River through the forest. It was a beautiful spot and there were heaps of camping and BBQ spots along the river. We think we may spend a day or two there while the bus is being fixed. Spied an echidna crossing the track we were on, there was much excitement as neither one of us had seen one in the wild before.
We somehow got "off the track" and drove for about 1 ½ hours not being exactly sure where we were. Some of the tracks left a bit to be desired. We saw 2 baby emus running up the road but no mum or dad to be seen. We were just about to give up and go back the way we’d come when we came to a bigger and wider dirt road. Before we knew it we were heading towards Dwellingup – we’d been saved. We stopped for a cuppa near the river and there was a flying fox across the river. We think it's used by the boy scouts as there was a Baden Powell camp area there. On the way home Kimbo stopped a couple of times so that I could take some photos of the wildflowers that grow prolifically down here, not having any botanical knowledge at all, I can only presume they are wildflowers because they're so pretty, but for all I know they could well be pretty weeds!
The cold weather has changed virtually in one day from brrr to beautiful. But it took until November.....
What a way to celebrate the milestone of being away for a year, I had a tumble out of the bus in the morning and twisted my right ankle and hurt my right hand. Grateful nobody say me! I strapped my ankle and when I got to work was told by one of the physios that the bandage was all wrong and did I want it re-strapped. No I said embarrassed because I knew she'd ask me how I did it! I know there were many people who thought we wouldn't last but the time has gone so quickly and we had no problem getting jobs. Looking forward to the next 12 months.
Very excited today Friday 5th November as Graeme and June spend the weekend with us. We got to the airport as their plane landed so no waiting, no delay. Home for a few drinks but before it got too dark we took them for a drive through the city and then atop Kings Park to see the lights. CALM was burning off and although the city looked fantastic we couldn’t see very far.
We spent a quiet night at home while the boys cooked a BBQ and we caught up on all the Adelaide goss and watched some videos they’d brought across of Graeme’s 40th etc. Many many laughs had by all.
Couldn’t believe we were all up just after 7.30am!!!!! Spent the day sightseeing. We went straight to Hillarys and then settled in at Observation City for a couple of drinks.
The boys had a swim at City Beach and by that stage it was time for lunch at Cottesloe, we took a cursory walk along the beach before coming home via Guildford trying to cram in as much as we could.
It was obviously too much for the visitors as they had a snooze before we went out for dinner at Planes, Trains & Automobiles with Laura, John, Angela and Mark. Northbridge was jumping and we found out the Gay Mardi Gras was on, but we missed it. On the way home we stopped at the Casino. I think it was about 3.30am before we got to bed. With the 4 of us all sleeping in the bus there’s no opportunity for a sleep in.
Sunday morning we had brekky at home before we headed for Freo.
The boys decided they wanted another swim as it was a balmy 29 degrees. Stopped at Cottesloe where they floundered about for ½ hour or so and then we spent the afternoon walking around Freo. Graeme and June were keen to see the Elvis Museum and although we walked the length and breadth of Fremantle and asked people who knew, we eventually found out that the museum was closed. So June and I went shoe shopping at the markets (as you do) while we left the boys at the "Sail and Anchor". Not a successful shopping expedition and before we knew it we were dropping them back at the airport for their flight home. A short stay but had lots of fun.
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