Glad to say the weather has changed and it was perfect travelling weather.
As we were undertaking our packing up procedure Kimbo had a call from the windscreen people to advise our insurance only covered $1,000 of the $1,320 charge……consequently we were out of pocket to the tune of $320!!! OMG we had both windscreens replaced in 2011 and we didn't have to pay a cent……….I think we’ve been stitched up…..I wish I’d had the opportunity to speak to them.
When we left the caravan park we were confident that the bus would pass inspection…..indeed it did. However it was another $94.10 and 5 minutes to have this confirmed. Onto the Dept of Transport. All the paperwork was complete, old number plates handed in, and at that point Kimbo was advised by the very helpful young lady that as we’d owned the bus for more than 2 years an inspection was not required. He bruised his chin as his jaw fell to the floor. All the running around and costs we’d incurred were not required. What a shame processing of information is not standard across Government Departments. So anyone that is anticipating changing regos don’t rely on one person’s opinion, as it may not be correct, as was the case with us.
We visited the wonderful memorial site for HMAS Sydney and noticed the name of one of the crew that never came home as James Hearle Martin. Kimbo’s dad’s middle name is also Hearle so possibly a connection there.
With our new plates attached and over $600 out of pocket we were on our way.
Destination……………….The Principality of Hutt River.
The turnoff to the Principality was only 10 odd kms north of Northampton, the secondary road was OK and the 15km of dirt road that lead us to this gem country was a breeze, compared to our experience to Fowlers Bay. Everything stayed in its place…..even me!
We were greeted by Prince Leonard, but sadly Princess Shirley passed away in July this year.
If you don’t know the story about Prince Leonard and his decision to secede from Australia his website may be of interest to you.
He was gracious with his time and we enjoyed a wonderfully peaceful and cool night in the camp ground. Just Kimbo and I and a couple of local kangaroos.
Ahh the serenity!
- comments
Emma Fabulous post as always Di, princess Disi and prince kimbo sounds good to me!
ash-wendyfrank Isn't the HMAS Sydney memorial beautiful, I wanted to see it for a long time and it really didn't disappoint, just beautifully done. Nice to hear you're enjoying your trip north, we came from Geraldton to Onslow in a week, to get started at work, so we want to go back later and explore it better. May get some tips from you.Travel Safe.Cheers Wendy
Liz Fitzgibbons What a lot of wasted time and money again! You know why they don't tell you these things Di, they get your money first! Interesting possibly fam connection on the Sydney, are you going to chase it up? But the way I think you need one of those thrones in the bus! Continued happy trails xx
busmartins Sadly Lizzie I think you're right. I was most annoyed with the guy who did the inspection. He must have known it wasn't required as he know everything about everything else. I think I might drop him an email and let him know what the regulations are :-)Kimbo spoke with his folks yesterday and they're going to do some more delving. The family tree was done a few years ago but maybe they need to go further back. It will give them something to do today which I understand is a scorcher in Adelaide. xx
busmartins Yes Wendy the memorial is a beautiful tribute. We will probably stay at Quobba today and revisit the HMAS Sydney cairn there. I sent another email to Corrina today to let her know we're still on our way.
danielsdomain Hi guysI love keeping up with people travelling around the west, hoping to get over that way one daySorry to hear about your run aroundRuss
busmartins It's all part of the experience Russ, but would rather get the run around when living the dream :)
busmartins The west coast, although windy Wendy is full of treasures that's for sure.
busmartins Emma Princess Disi and Prince Kimbo does indeed have a nice ring to it! ;-)