As with most islands in Finland this one is privately owned and can only be used by club members or owners. Yachts landing on private islands have had the police called and have been made to sail away even if they were at anchor. This is a Stark contrast to Sweden where you have the right to roam, we have noticed how the swedes are proud to explain this policy and until visiting Finland we had not realised how lucky we are in the Swedish archipelago. Anyway this Island is Owned by HSK who we stayed with in Helsinki and we were made very welcome due to a reciprocal agreement with the CA. There were about 15 yachts in, all Locals. The Island has 2 saunas, 2 barbecue areas and 2 composting toilets. The saunas are the highlight for the Finish crews, as soon as they arrive they book a slot in one of them.
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