After spending the whole day in Miami sleeping in public areas trying to get rid of our hang-overs, we eventually decided at 4 o clock to make the 2 hour drive to the Florida Keys.
We arrived in the first Island, Key Largo, and admitted defeat by staying in the next Resort we could find which turned out to be a really cool random place right on the water with its own beach and jetty and an amazing view. Still to ill to go to any resturants so got a picnic and watched the sunset!!
Next day was a shambles.
No 1: Louis died again. Had to buy a new battery
No 2: Finally made our way to the Bahia Honda national Park where our camping site had a concrete floor so couldn't pitch
No 3: Sam got bit by every bug in Florida plus a crab (ha ha)
No 4: Tried to sleep in Louis. After ten minutes realized how hot it was and left to find a motel in the middle of the night.
we couldn't find any hotels/motels and eventually made it to key West that night.
We spent a few days in Key West which has to be one of the most random places ever. There are more bars than houses and everyone was either in a bar or drunk in the street. With our recent hang-overs in memory we just went to a resturant and walked around the town.
Visited the two main attractions, the most southern point in the continential US and also Mallory Sq which is where everyone watches the sunset. It was cloudy!!!!
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