Got up at half 11 and packed! Michael arrived at 11.58! So he had to run about packing last minute! Checked out at 12! Paid 500 dong (£15) for 2 nights stay! Quite expensive really!
Walked to Social Club at half 12 and stayed there till 4! Chilled on the roof top with Michael, Lee and Sean all afternoon and Matt came later. Was talking to Sean in depth about being an English teacher as its what he does! It's all about who you know not what you know these days and he said he would get me a job if I came back! How amazing is that!
Said our goodbyes as we are leaving tonight! :( went to get a sandwich takeaway for the sleeper bus later on!
Went to go and find throat losengers as I woke up with no voice, sore throat and clogged up chest! My inhaler is my best friend! The pharmacists kept trying to give me antibiotics! In the end I had to mime coughing and sucking to which the whole shop fell about laughing! :|
We were told we had to be at the guest house at 5 to be picked up. We were picked up at 6.30! So used to asian time now though it doesn't bother us.
Played the game, how many Asians does it take to fill a bus. The answer, 20 on a 12 seater minibus plus 20 rucksacks.
Went to pick up our open bus tickets! It's looks like a booklet and they just rip each destination off as we have prepaid for all journeys!
Sat on the back seats again but this time the top joining three not the bottom some we had more room! I was so ill though and kept coughing much to everyone's enjoyment!
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