Pass me a knife, I hate this bus!
The bus stopped between 3 and 5 at some random hut but no one got off, you just have to wait for the border to open. I have never been so hot. We were right next to the engine so the walls and bed were hot and when the engine goes off there is no air con. I think I nearly passes out man!
Set off again and got to the Vietnamese border at 6.30. It was freezing!! It was also very very busy! We got off the bus and a guy just pointed to walk down a road? So we walked into a building with no signs and it was the border control! Got in the cue with all the other travellers (who stink).
Some random guy came and took our passports off us while we were waiting in the line, not very safe but everyone else did it so what could go wrong!?
I exchanged a little bit of Kip into Dong. This was an experience! These Asians have serious touching problems! Get off me.
Some travellers are such idiots, this guy who had hurt his foot tubing was going on and on about 'this is stupid, I don't want to go to this country anyway, why do we have to pay, they are all staring at me, I don't have any money'. I was ready to ram his passport down his throat and break his other foot.
You get vietnamese visas before you get to the border so they were just checking them. Each person had to pay 10000 kip (£0.79) though.
When we got our passports back we tried to get back on the bus but they wouldn't let us, baring in mind they don't speak a word of English and are horrible. He just pointed at a crowded gate...
So we pushed our way through the gate with two other boys and started following the road, the only reason we didn't turn back was because there was two travellers in the distance doing the same thing.
The border crossing was, down a long twisting road, over a bride, up a steep hill, across a building site, past the tractors, round two more bends, past the gate, around the car park and your there! Only takes half an hour! ;) it is by far the most stupid crossing I have been to. Usually it's from one room to the next.
Got to the stamping place and got our passports stamped, it cost another 10000 kip and the officials behind the glass all thought they were comedians. If you try and steal my purse again, even as a joke, heads will roll.
The stupid guy with the broken foot had to walk the border crossing as they refused to give him a lift. This made me happy inside.
Had to wait around for our bus to cross the crossing then get our bag off the bus and take them to the scanning machines, like at the airport. Didn't really like this as we hadn't seen our rucksacks in over 12 hours and you hear of things being planted. But what's a girl to do!
Luckily, I wasnt chosen to smuggle drugs into the country, which is always a plus!
Had to wait around for our bus to be checked then got back on at 9! Only took 2 and a half hours!
The bus was supposed to get to Hanoi at 3. It arrived at 7.30. I had been sat on this bus for 26.5 hours. Not a happy girl. Sat on a sweaty bus where you can't sit up, listening to barbie girl and jingle bells on repeat, while everyone snores, smelling the horrible toilet while Asians have staring problems. It was a great day...
Stopped off at a food stall place, it all looked like dog though so we got plain bread and a drink.
The bus stopped, a guy came to the back of the bus and underneath our bed was four big parcels hidden from the security check! Real secretive about life these Laotians!
I have seen worse though, bus drivers or the staff stopping at random huts on the way to buy drugs!
Finally got off the bus, taxi people always harass you this guy wanted us to pay $8 each to take us to the old market. Oh look, there's a flying pig mate! BYE!
We were warned that all taxis will rip you off and they are all horrible people so to be careful.
Walked to the other side of the station and haggled a taxi to 50000 dong (£1.57) each. A taxi driver next to me that we didn't chose started taking the mick out of me and the way I speak (quickly). I had just got off a 27 hour bus so I don't think he knew what hit him.
He took us to backpacker central which is where I wanted to be having looked at the map in my book before getting off the bus.
Hanoi is boiling, far hotter then anywhere we have been recently! The race was on! All travellers racing around to find the best and cheapest accommodation!
We looked at a few places, all we ever ask for is a double room, doesn't matter about double bed or 2 single beds and private bathroom. I swear we walked up and down 4 million stairs as all the buildings are so high! One of the places had a complimentary cockroach and rat!
Decided to stay in 'Titanic Guest House' it costs 250000 dong (£7.60) to stay here her night, so one of the expensive ones at £3.80 each! It's nice though! But at the very top of the building! 16 flights of stairs later I'm glad we have aircon. The password for the wifi is iloveyou, which was a conversation starter.
Met Åsa and went to 'Pepperoni's' pizza place! Had shrimp pasta which was lovely as we only had a slice of bread today. Åsa had the same pasta and Michael had a pizza. When the bill came they only charged us for one pasta!
Walked back to the room and went to sleep as even though we were on a sleeper bus, I didn't sleep much.
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