for gods sake stop falling over clumsy or what lol and you will look like a prawn by the time you come home the amount you are eating lolx i love our blog makes me laugh x got go ya mum coming for a cuppa xxxx
Looks like your having a fab time hunny. Be careful & look after yourself
Loving the photos and your comments! The photo of Michael on a tuktuk is classic. Stop eating the amphibians though!
Jayne & All Your Friends At Hull Cvs.....
Hey sounds like you're having a great time; wish we could be with you enjoying your trip. Except for the long walks, the mountain climbs, the bugs, oh and yes, the jungle!
Miss you all!!
looks like your having a brill time. dont bring any cockroach eggs back with you from hotel lol put a pic in of a girlyboy they sound so flamboyant xx