Got up, got ready and had breakfast at the guest house for the first time! We both got on the back of one moped to go to the other side of the city!
I actually nearly died! We didn't have helmets and I was seriously clinging on for dear life! We didn't feel very well today after last night so that didn't make it any better!
We drove for 5 minutes down the biggest que I have ever seen, we then got off the moped, paid and walked 15 minutes to the end of it! What a joke! It was everyone that was queuing to go inside the mausoleum where Ho Chi Minh the old kings body is there! (even though he asked to be cremated).
Anyway we didn't que! It shuts at 11 anyway and we would have been there for hours in the boiling hot sun! Don't fancy seeing some dead guy in a box anyway!
So we walked to the Ho Chi Minh Museum! It cost 25000 dong (76p) to get in but free for locals. The guy tried to short change me! Please!!
The whole museum was very weird! There was parts on Ho Chi Minh the old king, Laos, traditional Vietnamese living, the war and an art gallery! It was so random! Hardly anything was in English as well!
There was some talent though so I didn't mind!!
Walked around the gardens for a bit, it was scorching hot but it was beautiful! We stopped to get a drink at a stall but they didn't want to serve foreign people so we went to the next door one!
We then went to go and find the Dien Huu Pagoda which is the One Pillar Pagoda! It is regarded along side Perfume Temple as Vietnamese's two most iconic temples.
It looked like a house on one pillar in the middle of a small lake! We didn't go up to it as we thought it would be disrespectful as everyone was getting there religion on at the top!
We then walked to a big square marble building that was the Mausoleum that people were queuing to get into in the morning! It was huge! Not down for standing in the sun for ages though! Maybe when we come back to Vietnam!
Got a moped home at 12! Still thought I was going to die! There is no rules at all on these roads!
Slept for a bit as we were really tired then went for some tea down the street! The street we stay on reminds me a bit of Koh San Road! It's packed full of restaurants, bars, hostels and guest houses! Not as crazy though and it all shuts at 12 ish!
Went to get ready to go out tonight! What's new! Walked to GC bar where we met Tony and Lee! It was the hottest place on planet earth! Even my ankles were sweating! Nice, I know!
When we finally left it was a blessing from god! We got a taxi to Roof Top Bar. It is this very very posh hotel and on the 20th floor there is an amazing bar! Didn't take any pictures inside as didn't want to be real touristy about life!
The drinks were expensive! Had a sex on the beach that cost 180000 dong (£5.50) PLUS 5% VAT!!! Are you kidding me! You pay for the view though!
Went outside and you can see the whole of hanoi! It was incredible! The most amazing city view we have seen! Took lots of pictures but as the sun had gone down all you can see is building lit up and lights!
Tony and Lee were scared as we only had three helmets between four of us and on Saturday nights the police go out and stop people for doing that! If me or Michael had driven a moped together we wouldn't get stopped as we are tourists. But Vietnamese roads are insane we we decided not to! I got on Lee's and Michael got on Tony's!
What a mistake! We got stopped by the police! Huge mafia truncheon and machine gun holding no mersy police! Oh god! Thoughts running through my head included... I arnt cut out for Vietnamese prison, I don't want to shave my head, hand cuffs arnt fashionable, I don't want to be a lesbian slave in a cell, I can't be wearing orange, I don't want to be shot, why are the police winking at me, I don't have the penny's to pay them off .... Etc etc, you get the picture!
The handcuffed us, beat us with there sticks, shouted at us, held machine guns to our heads and kicked us to the ground! We are seriously lucky to be alive! Where is the British embassy when I need them! Currently in a cell writing my blog instead of using my phone call, as I don't think mum would appreciate the call!
Honestly, they stopped us, made tony pay 200 dong (£6) and let us drive away. My version is much better though!
So we finally got to Solace Club! I love this place! Even if it's full of mafia! Maybe we just blend in? Haha hopefully! I always hide my stuff somewhere though but it's awkward when someone points to your chest and it's lit up because I've got a text! Haha!!!
It was such a crazy night! Calum and Mao met us later on and I had a dance off with Calum to the cheesy songs!
Me and Michael got a beer with the last of our money! The bar tender gave me one for free though! Yey! It was a can I'm not stupid about being spiked! Then the DJ Hue got us all a shot as well!
We left Solace at 3.30 and drove to get some noodle soup! The Lee gave me a lift home back to my guest house as its near her house!
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