Woke up in a power cut! Great! Thought some mad knife man was going to kill us!
Went for breakfast then back to sleep until the cleaner woke us up at half 11 as we needed to check out! Rammed all my belongings in my rucksack making sure a had taken all my valuables out as we are getting on a sleeper bus tonight.
Checked out at 12! Our transfer picks us up at 5 so we had 5 hours to kill. There isn't anything to do here so not having a room makes it even worse!
Went to cute lady stall for an ice coffee take away as its beaut and sat outside our guest house.
My phone charger has broken and it's a special long wire one!!! :( so I asked the receptionist where I could buy one and Michael tagged along for the walk!
At home my charger cost me £2! Here it cost me 100000 kip £8! What a joke I should have got a Laos person to go into the shop for me they would have gotten it for 1p.
Stopped off at a book shop on the way back, it wasn't good though! The girl we met in the lift the other day that recommended getting this sleeper bus is also getting it. She is called Åsa, so we sat outside chatting to her for a bit!
After 14 years of waiting our transfer bus finally came! We are travelling from the capital city of Loas, Vientiane to Hanoi which is the capital city of Vietnam. As always you are crammed in with everyone else on this mini bus.
Got to the bus station at 5.45, watched as men carried mopeds off the top of coaches with only a piece of string! Crazy.
They always let the Asians get on this bus first apparently so they can get the better seats. Once we had all got our tickets and stood outside the coach I just wanted to get on but they wouldn't let me.
So there I am, dying as I can't breath with about 30178 coaches coughing out fumes around me! What more do I need! Oh yeah! A guy decides to stand next to me and smoke a bong. Fabulous. Exactly what I need.
The bus was supposed to leave at 6.30 but they didn't even let us on till 6.45 and we left at 7. It takes 22 hours to get there :(
The bus had 3 columns of bunk beds, so like two running along the windows and one in the middle with two walk ways and 6 beds all the way along so 42 beds on this coach including the 3 joining beds at the back next to the toilet that we were on! The worst ones! Me and Michael took bottom bunks of this with Åsa. You couldn't sit up so I guess I'm spending the next 22 hours lying down!
We took noodles onto the bus as it doesn't stop for tea and we hadn't eaten since breakfast. After a few noodles, Michael screamed, there was a maggot in his tray! It was dead and it must have just been on the lettuce. He kept eating them anyway in true traveller style, besides we had been eating at that stall all week!
I could not sleep! The beds are horizontal, leather and are made for you to lye on your back but I sleep on my front so my legs dangled in the air! Horrible.
We stopped off at this hut at 9 where about 20 Asians were stood around a pool table doings bongs.
Got back on the coach and finally got to sleep! Next blog will be in Vietnam! How crazy is that! Our forth country! <3
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