Hellooo again Round talking again!
We arrived in Waitomo and had a spare afternoon and the ppl on our bus with us we all had a BBQ which was really nice.
Next day we began our hard core mission and it was the most amazing and extreme day ever! We went blakc water rafting adn looked oh so sexy in wetsuits gumboots swimming trunks helmets and harnesses. We abseiled 30m into an underground cavern lit only by glow worms (the bits that glow are actually their poo poo FACT) Then they sat us over a crevice after sailign down a pitch blakc flying fox (Zip wire) and gave us a rubber ring that we had behind our bums and jump about 10m down the crevice into the black water below us three were the first in ha ha! After that we floated down the river and did areobics and used brown cave paint to paint pictures on eachother this was really good fun as we have met three lovely irish girls Eifa, Sarah and Geraldine and six lads Steve, Stu, Si, Chris, Danny and Andy and are now travelling the Kiwi bus together and are hoepfully sticking together for a while. We were so hard core as we climbed through crevices and cracks and we all had to rock climb up two 10m underground gushing water falls to get out into the open.
The extremeness of the day was not over as Kate D and i when got into Taupo donned sexy jumpsuits and fell out of a plane at 12,000 ft free falling for 45 seconds. My instructor was FIT AS yay - did not mind being strapped to him in the slightest! D wants to thank everyone at LR - it was the best experience of her travels so far - it was the best experience of my life and we now think we have a new bug apart from skiing - bring on the NEVIS ( a bungee 137m in Queenstown).
(Written by Bennett)
The next day in Taupo we carried on our extremeness and were up bright and early - 5.40 am to do the Tongariro Crossing. This is a 17k walk up a volcano adn supposed to be the best day walk in NZ. It is also where a lot of the Lord of the Rings was shot - Round was in her element and we did feel like Frodo and Sam. The walk took us through simply beautiful scenery ranging from gorgeous snow topped mountains, waterfalls, bright blue volcanic lakes and we walked through volcanic craters which were covered in snow and geothermic hot spots (its the mountains on the NZ advert you will have seen on your TV's). At one point it got so steep and windy we were literally climbing on our hands and knees trying not to plunge to our deaths. It took us 6 hours in total and we all very achy by the time we returned.
Off to a place called River Valley tomorrow to do some white water rafting and maybe some horse riding this is supposed to be the best place to do WWR as its grade 5 rapids that last for two hours - another achy but really fun day on the cards.
Hope everyone is ok back home - missing you all but not enough to come home :) K,K,K XXX
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