We arrived in Westport just in time to take part in our first ever Jet boating experience! Got kitted out in more sexy outfits and headed out to the Buller Gorge river. A jet boat is powered by a set of turbines that suck up the water and suck it out with lots of force allowing it to go fast, steam through very shallow water and do cool maneourvres like 360 spins etc etc. It was lots of fun and we all got v wet (B and D managed to get most of the soakings as they were sat in the corners of the jet). Our first night in Westport was spent in the one and only bar that was open! Yes ONE! Still managed to have a great time and spent the evening chatting to weird old men who were smashed telling us about their secret mine they were going to buy (V FUNNY)!.
Next day we went horseriding - yes even Bennett! :) The photos say it all and was brilliant fun. Round managed to fall off her horse Luke after galloping across a field and had come to stand still - HOW??!! D had the Lady of the group who was also the farter of the group and very funny to watch the horse try to avoid the really muddy bits! B's horse lucky was the comedian of the group who ate everything in site bringing B into all the bushes with him. The weirdest thing was the isntructor Helen is originally from Dronfield - in the year above B at shcool. How strange - its a very small world!
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