Hi Katie B. Sean asked me today what date you were back, said i couldnt remember. Anyhow i think he was offering you some hours at work if your skint and need them when you get back so get in touch with me (unless its after May 20th when your back) or ring Sean if you do want a few pennies when your home. XXXX
Steve Mckinley
Alright the Kates!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve here...remember me....I doubt it with ll these stupendous adventures you`re going on!!! I`m proper jealous with a capital J!!!!!!!!!!!!
I`m still in Brazil, visiting my bird at the mo. 9 hours from my gaff, but it`s worth it. I think I`ll have to take a shufty down here next year.
Anyway, love to you all and R...reunion when we get back...right?
Clare Hockney
Hi Katie B. Well the months are passing so fast you will soon be home with us. Cant wait for a night out to get all the gossip, cant remember what date your home, is it after i get back from USA or before? Anyway ill get the wine on order for us!! missing you, looking forward to seeing you. xxx
Oliver Poole
sounds like you loonies are back all ready! well pics look amazing am so jealous! happy you all made it as well! all looking very tanned as well which was of major importance last time i sore you! james is well, just made a school boy error though, bought a place with the lady in southy.
Emma Lamee
Hi K's. enjoy your last week!!! see you all on sunday 11th!! xxx
Jen G
Morning Katie, your pictures are amazing, the tiger experience must have been something else. I have also observed that you are now nearly as brown as your bikini!!! Looking forward to when you come back! Looking forward to hearing all your crazy stories.
Take Care babe, think I will be sending you a more detailed email.
Lots of Love Jen x x x x
Looking forward to seeing you all on the ninth ! Hopefully it will have stopped raining by then. Im just about to have a look at your pictures now. Take care . Lots of love Kate D's mum xxxxxxxxx
The Forgotten One!!
ello, ello, ello!!!
and how are my 3 favorite people who's name starts with the letter k doing?? just been looking through your photo's and feel something's missing from them!!! lol! looks like your having a wicked time still - so jealous, its way too cod here in blighty and everyone keeps having a go because "apparently" its not even cold!! lol!! anyways better get on with the job hunting now!! missing you all like mad! see you all soon, loads of love!! xxx
hey kates, very impressed the the pinapple photo!! apparently bananas bend upwards too?! (although not sure how much i believe the person that told me that!) muchos love xXx
Ben Abeleven
Hi Kates, was just checking out some pics from my mate, and saw you had a journal entry 6 sec ago in Chiang Mai, which is where i am right now! Cool, hope you enjoy!! And it made me laugh that you sign of as KKK, i thought it was something else for a second..crazy girls. You can check out my small selection of pics if you like www.statraveljournals.com/dingoben11
Just another ramdom traveller.. Ben Abo
Photos of laos entry will be uploaded shortly - no disk drive for the cd at this cafe - but the chang mai ones should keep you all going kkk xxx
Hi Kate's, I hope you are all ok, I am doing well and back in the UK now working as an estate Agent. Your photos look fantastic. I remember when we were relaxing in hte jacuzzi in Fiji on Beechcomber. And at the sandblow on the cliff. I am getting my residency sorted out for when I move there next year. I just have to save up alot of money etc. Give me a txt when you are back in the Uk, we'll have to meet up. Take Care, Steven Howe x