Have had a fantastic time in Fiji its everything you would expect it to be, perfoect white sandy beaches, sparkling blue sea and very picturesque!
We spent our first day on an uninhabited island called Mala Mala. Here we were greeted by the traditional Cava Ceremony-the Fijians perform this to welcome people into their homes or in our case on to their island. We tried our first drink of Cava, looks like mucky water and to be honest pretty much tasted like mucky water! it is made from the root of a native plant which apparently has hallucinogenic properties, so if you drink enough of it you start to go a bit whoowhoo!
The majority of the day was spent sunbathing snorkeling and eating. Snorkeling was so funny! Round couldnt get the hang of it and was trying to breaststroke in flippers! D kept getting water in her blow hole so drowned on several occasions! I (of course) was practically perfect in every way! Although apparently looked the geekiest in snorkel gear! Round soon got the hang of it though and was wizzing around like a Nemo fish!
we made friends with one of the Fijians who showed us how to Husk a Coconut (D thought it was called shiring-ejit!) and showed us around the island, introduced us to his island caretaker and his hut-very old and smiley!
The next island we visited was Beachcomber. Stayed here for two nights, this island had a lot more going on, more people and lots of things to do-we were even welcomed on to the island by a fijian band-felt very important!
We got up to loads of things :
went on a snorkeling trip-all pros now! -saw lots of pretty coral and fish-went fish feeding-saw turtles-kayaked out to the adjacent island called Treasure island-very tiring but lots of fun and spent a lot of time in the Jacuzzi on the beach! I KNOW! pure paradise! (see pics)
Celebrated my bday on the second night, K n K suprised me with a bday present-they are going to treat me to a night in the RAFFLES PLAZA hotel in Singapore-we are going to be so posh! They also got the band to sing happy bday, so all in all a really lovely night. Also got involved in a crab racing contest-we bet our money on Dragon from Wales (Daffyd)and lost miserably
One of the novel things of Beachcomber is that they BANG on a drum when your food is ready-was best in the mornings being woken up by banging and knowing that your breakfast is ready and waiting for you-YUM! D got on ok with the food-brave girl!
Made loads of friends on Beachcomber, met a Canadian bloke who thought everthing was AMAZING! So that has become quite a joke between us now, and a lad called Steve who was only 18 arh!
Overall we really enjoyed Fiji, the ppl are the most friendly and welcoming we have met so far, the scenery is stunning - IT'S JUST AMMMAAAZZINNGG!!!!!
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