Hi Everyone,
Not quite such a nice day, overcast and threatening to rain when I was out walking, but there is a little blue sky - enough to "patch grandads trousers" It did rain a little but was mainly fine.
We decided to catch the train into the city centre to go to the Art Gallery to see the display of the "Staffordshire Hoard".
In 2009 a man was using a metal detector in a field near Lichfield, he found some gold and silver treasure pieces that dated back to around 500 ad with a value of 3.250 million pounds. It turned out to be the biggest archiology find in modern times. Under British law he was entitled to half the value and the owner of the land also entitled to half.
The display was amazing and quite intricate in the detail, funds are being raised to make a permanent home for the treasures.
Back on the train to Maris and John's house, it only takes about 15 minutes to the station near their house and then a 5 minute walk.
Another day draws to a close in our travelling paradise.
Chat again soon.
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