Usually I hate going boxing day shopping, although Zach loves it. But I wanted to go check for keyboards for my new iPad, so we headed over to uptown. Didn't really find anything. And it was way too busy. We walked over to the Walmart in the same complex, but no luck there either. The complex is pretty new, but hasn't changed much since we were there. We went home, picked up my parents, then went to visit my grandfather in hospital.
After that, surprisingly, my parents wanted to go downtown. We stopped at Murchie's for lunch. Really nice tea lattes and an almond tart. I picked up a bunch of tea to bring home. I have to stock up when I'm there. We walked all around the downtown to look for hoodies/jackets for Zach. He wanted to find something on sale. There were some pretty good deals, even in the boutique-type stores, but nothing he really liked. We even went to Chinatown and picked up some chopsticks. Zach finally found some jackets he liked at sportcheck.
Home to have Danish leftovers and my Mum helped me dye my hair. It's been ages, so it was nice to finally get it done. Otherwise it was a nice night in again.
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